2 ①this morning前能否用介词in ②in +时间名词,表示多长时间之后

1. this morning 前可不可以有介词 in?


类似these days、this morning、last week、next month、every year前面能加介词吗?为什么?麻烦帮总结下规律?

during this morning是肯定对吧?

2. in + 时间名词,可以表示多长时间之后?

in 4 years,in 4 years' time,这两个有区别么?

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最佳答案 2017-12-04 18:38

     1. 如果表示时间的表达方式里有 next, last, this, that(有时候),one, any(在非正式文体中),each, every, some, all, 则这些词之前不用 at/on/in。

    See you next week.下星期见。

    Come any time.随便什么时候来都可以。

    Are you free this morning? 你今天上午有空儿吗?

    I didn't feel very well that week. 那个星期我有些不舒服。

    I'm at home every evening. 我每天晚上都在家。

    Let's meet one day. 咱们哪天见个面吧。

    We stayed all day. 我们待了一整天。


    2.  in 4 years 可以表示:(1)(从现在即说话时起)四年后 ;(2)(完成某事)需要四年时间(也可以译为“四年内”)in 4 years' time 可以表示 in 4 years 的第(1)种意思:(从现在即说话时起)四年后 ;不能表示第(2)种意思。 例如:

    Ask me again in three or four days. 过三四天再来问我。

    I can run 200 metres in about 30 seconds . 我跑200米大约需要30秒。

    I'll see you again in a month's time . 一个月以后咱们再见。

    It'll be ready in three weeks' time . 再过三个星期就可以了。

    He wrote the book in a month . 他用了一个月的时间写成了这本书。(不能说:... in a month's time.)



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1.tomorrow morning, yesterday afternoon, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the night before last, the other day 等常用的时间状语,其前也都不用介词。


There will be a storm in (=within) three days. 未来三日内将有暴风雪。

Try and finish the work in (=within) two days. 要力争两天内完成这项工作。

I haven't had a square meal in (=for) three days.我已经三天没吃上一顿像样的饭了。

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  • 谢小刀 提出于 2017-12-02 18:43
