1 这是什么倒装句(should he find another one)

They were both satisfyingly impressed by the way he had wheedled the memory out of Slughorn and positively awed when he told them about Voldemort’s Horcruxes and Dumbledore’s promise to take Harry along, should he find another one.


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最佳答案 2017-11-26 13:35

They were both satisfyingly impressed by the way he had wheedled the memory out of Slughorn and positively awed when he told them about Voldemort’s Horcruxes and Dumbledore’s promise to take Harry along, should he find another one.

一、这是一个省略了if 的倒装句,可以看作是倒装句的一种。正常语序为:

They were both satisfyingly impressed by the way he had wheedled the memory out of Slughorn and positively awed when he told them about Voldemort’s Horcruxes and Dumbledore’s promise to take Harry along, if he should find another one.

二、这里的should 是情态动词,用在条件从句中,表示事件发生的可能性,意为“将要;假定要;可能要”。这时,should 可以表示虚拟语气,也可以不表示虚拟语气。

《柯林斯词典》对此的解释:You use should in conditional clauses when you are talking about things that might happen. 例如:

Should you buy a home from Lovell, the company promises to buy it back at the same price after three years.





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其它 1 个回答


赞同刘老师的精彩解答。关于条件状语从句中的should do,我稍作补充。

早期英语中真实条件句也用虚拟语气,因为条件句中描述的是“非事实”,所谓真实条件句是相对于非真实条件句即虚拟条件句而言的,条件有可能实现。但另一方面,毕竟假设的条件未必是事实,因此早期英语中真实条件句用动词原型作谓语。这种条件句中用动词原型的例子在法典或法律条文中仍可见到。但随着英语发展到现代英语,真实条件句中的动词原型式的虚拟语气已经被陈述语气谓语所替代,只要条件有实现的可能,就用陈述语气谓语。即用一般现在时代替将来时态。真实条件句中的should do的形式则是介于动词原型时虚拟语气和陈述语气之间的过渡形式,有人认为它是虚拟语气的一种,有人认为它是陈述语气。这个我们不必去追究。但现代英语中,真实条件句中用should do多见于比较正式的书面语体,如商务信函,求职信,书面通知等。正因为should do表示的条件有实现的可能,也有实现不了的可能,因此主句可以是陈述语气或祈使语气,也可以是虚拟语气。例如:

If it should rain tomorrow, we will have to cancel the picnic. (侧重下雨的可能)

If it should rain tomorrow, stay at home. (侧重下雨的可能)

If it should rain tomorrow, we would have to cancel the picnic.(侧重不下雨的可能)。

当if条件句的谓语为虚拟语气,且谓语含有should, 助动词had以及were的时候,正式语体中可以省略if,将should, had, were倒装。因此以上三句均可倒装:

Should it rain tomorrow, we will have to...

Should it rain tomorrow, stay at home.

Should it rain tomorrow, we would have to...

由此可知,真实条件句中的should do其实还是虚拟语气形式,为原型式虚拟语气的替代形式。


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