7 during which,during which time 引导非限制性定语从句的问题


He will put off the picnic until May 1st, when he will be free.   

He will put off the picnic until May 1st, on which he will be free.

He will put off the picnic until May 1st,and on it he will be free.

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最佳答案 2017-11-25 11:43


        正如曾老师所指出的,during which引导非限制性定语从句,which为关系代词作介词宾语,先行词为时间或事件名词,定语从句对该时间或事件作补充说明。而during which time引导非限制性定语从句,which为关系限定词,限定名词time,which time作介词的宾语,先行项为整个主句。例如:

He died in 1938, during which my great-grandfather fought side by side with him against Japanese army. (during which指during 1938=when)

He died in Anti-Japanese War, during which my great-grandfather fought side by side with him. (during which指during Anti-Japanse War)

        以上两个句子中的非限制性定语从句都是修饰主句中的名词,第一句中是修饰时间名词1938,第二句中是修饰事件名词Anti-Japanese War。第一句中的先行词是时间名词,因此定语从句也可以用when引导。第二句的先行词表示事件,则不能用when引导定语从句。

The fire lasted 5 hours, during which time everything in the house was distroyed.

        (during which time=during that time=during the time of the lasting of fire)从逻辑上看,屋里的东西被烧坏是在大火持续的过程中发生,5 hours是大火持续时间的度量,而定语从句补充说明大火持续过程中发生了什么事情。因此which的先行项是the fire lasted (a certain length of time), 而不是名词5 hours. 这种定语从句的主句中不一定有时间名词出现。例如:

He stayed in London, during which time he tried different jobs.

         (during which time=during his staying in London=during that time).which的先行项是主句的内容,which作为关系限定词修饰名词time,再做介词during的宾语,意为“在他住在伦敦这段时间里”。这句话中的which指代主句内容和上一句which的作用是一样的,区别是这一句中没有时间名词,更容易看出which指代的是主句内容。上一句中表面上看好像是定语从句修饰5 hours, 其实不是,从逻辑上分析,定语从句还是修饰主句的。这就是为什么不能用during which, 而要用during which time.

The fire lasted 5 hours, and during that time everything in the house was distroyed. 指示代词that指代主句内容。

It took two years for me to get better, during which time he spoon-fed me and did absolutely everything around the house. 

        during which time=during the time for me to get better=during my getting better=during that time. which的先行项是不定式短语for me to get better, 而不是two years. 因此定语从句不能用during which引导。


It will rain tomorrow,in which case we will have to put off the picnic.

        in which case=in the case of the possible rain tomorrow=and in this case. 关系限定词指代主句的内容,意为“在明天要下雨这种情况下”。定语从句不能用in which引导。

It will rain tomorrow. In this case we will have to put off the pincic. 指示代词this指代主句内容。

        介词加关系代词或关系限定词which的使用范围大于关系副词when. when引导的定语从句通常都可以用介词加关系代词或关系限定词which来解释,但反之则未必。

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during which time不能改为and during them。during which time相当于and during the time when the fire lasted 5 hours。

during which可用于限制性或非限制性定语从句,而during which time仅用于非限制性定语从句。

1. during which相当于during the time / the period / the course of …,既可指时间,也可指过程或阶段等。意为“在……期间;在……过程中;在……阶段”等。

He died in the Anti-Japanese War, during which my great-grandfather fought side by side with him. 他在抗日战争中为国捐躯,在抗战期间,我曾祖父与他并肩战斗过。during which = and during the period of the Anti-Japanese War 在抗日战争期间。)

2. during which time 相当于 during the time when / that-clause,指时间概念,表示“在……期间”,修饰前面的主句,不修饰主句中的某个词(组)。如:

It took two years for me to get better, during which time he spoon-fed me and did absolutely everything around the house. 我过了两年时间才好起来,其间他喂我进食,并承担全部的家务。during which time = and during the time when / that it took two years for me to get better 表“我过了两年时间才好起来”的整个过程。)

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  • 谢小刀 提出于 2017-11-23 20:51
