1 判断句子正误(涉及than appeared at first等)


1 Some problems of transition might prove more intractable and complex than appeared at first.

2 The difficulties are even greater than appears at first sight.

3 They arrived earlier than it had been expected. 

4 The question is more complicated than appears on the surface

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最佳答案 2017-11-25 22:25


1. Some problems of transition might prove more intractable and complex than appeared at first. (误)

改正:Some problems of transition might prove more intractable and complex than they appear at first.

【说明】本句有两处错误:1. appeared缺少主语;2. appear应改为一般现在时,不用一般过去时。加了主语后,than充当了appear的表语。

2. The difficulties are even greater than appears at first sight.(误)

改正:The difficulties are even greater than they appear at first sight.

【说明】本句有两处错误:1. appears 缺少主语;2. 因为主语用they,所以把appears 改为复数形式appear。加了主语后,than充当了appear的表语。

【补充】appear 最好改为过去时appeared。如果单纯谈论事实,不改也可。

3. They arrived earlier than it had been expected. (误)


(1)They arrived earlier than had been expected. 

(2)They arrived earlier than expected. 

(3)They arrived earlier than people had expected. 

【说明】than 在从句中作主语,指代整个主句内容,本句不缺主语,去掉it。than 担任主语时,谓语部分是完整的;反过来说就是,当谓语部分完整时,than 要担任主语。


4. The question is more complicated than appears on the surface. (误)

改正:The question is more complicated than it appears on the surface.


【个人观点】关于than 比较句,它是一个非常复杂的问题。

1. 我们忽略than 的固定说法和固定搭配,不予考虑。如:more than five,less than two,no less than, not less than, no more than, not more than,等等。

2. 我们忽略than 从句中的省略现象,不予考虑。由于跟主句内容重复,than 从句省略完全重复的部分。如:It is colder today than yesterday. It's easier to get there on foot than by car.

3. 根据删繁就简的原则,除去上述例外情况,正宗的than 比较结构应该是:

than 除了表示“比...更...”的词汇意义之外,它在其引导的从句中必须充当某种成分,或者说它暗示着担任某种成分。这种成分可能是“主语,宾语,表语,状语”(实际上,than充当表语或状语的时候居多,因为比较的多为表语或状语成分),也就是说,在than 从句中始终缺少着某种成分,而缺失的这种成分,被than 义无反顾地担任了。但是,than 只能担任其中一种成分,不能同时担任两种或以上。

4. 鉴于此,句1,句2,句4 的错误在于:系动词appear 之后缺少表语,应由than 来充当。既然如此,than 就不能再担任主语了,所以,这3句都缺少主语。我们根据主句的主语,选用适当的代词加入。

句3 的错误在于:本句不缺主语,应去掉it。因为,当than 从句的谓语部分完整时,than 要在从句中做主语,本句中,than 指代整个主句内容。

关于than 充当从句主语的例句:

This course turned out to be more drastic than was expected.  


The price was substantially higher than had been expected. 


The changed outlook entails higher economic growth than was previously assumed. 


He never says more than is necessary.


He often eats more than is good for his health.


Always do more than is required of you.


He offered more information than is needed.




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