2 expect后面非谓语动词和将来时态的疑问

Who do you expect ______ you English?

A. to teach   B. teaching   C. will teach   D. has taught


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最佳答案 2017-11-01 20:15

本题出得并不严谨,选 A、C 均可,分别涉及 expect sb to do sth 和 expect that…句式。

比较并体会下面两 句:

1. I expect Mr Smith to teach us English.

若对 Mr Smith 提问,则为:

Who do you expect to teach you English?

2. I expect Mr Smith will teach us English.

若对 Mr Smith 提问,则为:

Who do you expect will teach you English?

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其它 3 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

此题只能选择 to teach,不能选择 will teach。分析如下:

1. Who do you expect to teach you English? (正)

2. Who do you expect will teach you English? (误)

句1,是expect sb. to do sth.结构

句2,错在把do you expect当作插入语。expect可以接that宾语从句,但如果改为:Do you expect who will teach you English?也不对,属于逻辑错误。一般疑问句中,不能再有一个特殊疑问句。属于双重疑问,没有意义。



do you expect 不能像do you think/suppose/imagine 那样,可以用作插入语。也就是说,do you expect 不用于特殊疑问句的疑问词之后。所以,Who do you expect will teach you English? 判为错句。

改为do you think:Who do you think will teach you English? (正)

expect 在一般问句状态下,可以接that从句,例如可以说:Do you expect that he will win the match?

但不可再接特殊疑问句,不能说:Do you expect who will win the match?





Who do you think will teach you English?(正)

Who do you expect will teach you English?(误)

Who do you know will teach you English?(误)

这说明:do you think 可以用作插入语, 而do you expect和do you know 不可以。


Do you think who will teach you English?(误)

Do you expect who will teach you English?(误)

Do you know who will teach you English?(正)

这说明:表示“认为”概念时,do you think 和do you expect 不可以接带有疑问的宾语从句,因为两个疑问重叠使用,不合逻辑。但do you know 就可以,表示“知道不知道”。


Do you think (that) he will teach you English? (正)

Do you expect (that) he will teach you English?(正)

Do you know (that) he will teach you English?(正)

这说明:do you think,do you expect 和do you know 都可以接that 引导的宾语从句。



据我涉猎,do you expect 用在特殊疑问词后,充当插入语,语法规则都没有把它列入。其例句我在各种语料库均未查到,包括以其他wh-word 开头的疑问词,如:What do you expect...?Who do you expect...?When do you expect...?Where do you expect...?Which do you expect...?

这说明,do you expect 用作插入语,很不普通。

如果这句话  Who do you expect will win? 成立的话,那么,do you expect 就可以认定为插入语,就可以用在各种特殊疑问词之后,就可以成为一条规则。但是......?

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

       1. expect 后面可以接“ 宾语 + 动词不定式 ”,例如:They expected all their children to be high achievers. 他们期望自己所有的孩子都大有作为。(摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第8版)I expect him to arrive about ten o'clock. 我料想他大约10点钟到。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版196节)

        所以,可以说:I expect Mr Liu to teach us English. 若对此句的 Mr Liu 提问,则为:

Who do you expect to teach you English?  因此,对于Who do you expect ______ you English? A. to teach   B. teaching   C. will teach   D. has taught  这道题,A 可以作为正确答案。

        2. expect 后面也可以接that引导的宾语从句而且that可以省略。例如:  I expect (that) she'll be here soon. 我料想她很快就会到这里。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版196节)Who do you expect to win ? = Who do you expect will win ? (摘自《韦氏高阶英语词典》中国大百科全书出版社出版发行,2010年1月第1版)

所以,我们可以说:Who do you expect will teach you English? 

        因此,对于Who do you expect ______ you English? A. to teach   B. teaching   C. will teach   D. has taught 这道题,C也可以作为正确答案。

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虽然词典对expect的解释之一是think that sth will happen.但其用法和think还是有别。


expect sb to do sth 

expect (that) sth will happen/sb will do sth.

think sb/wth (to be)+adj

think (that) sb/sth +各种时态谓语


语料库中没有who do you expect后接从句的例句,都是后接不定式作宾补。

who do you think则几乎全是后接从句,复合宾语结构不到百分之一。


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  • 江小花   提出于 2017-10-30 19:58
