1 句子翻译(倍数问题)


原句:谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈---- 今年的求职者是去年的五倍。

The competition of finding these jobs/positions is very fierce---


1. The applicants this year are five times more than (the ones/that) last year. 括号里的成分都正确吗?可以省略,是吗?

2. The number of applicants this year is five times more than (that/that of/the ones of) last year. 原句未省略之前是that, that of还是the ones of? 还是都正确?都可省略?

3. The applicants this year are five times as many as (the ones/that) last year. 括号里的成分正确吗?可以省略,是吗?

4. The number of applicants this year is five times as many as (the ones/that) of last year. 括号里的成分都正确吗?可以省略,是吗?

5.The applicants are five times the number of (the ones/that) last year. 括号里的成分都正确吗,可省略?系动词是are,是吗?

6. We have five times more applicants this year than last year.

7. We have five times as many applicants this year as (we had) last year. 括号内可省去?

8. The number of applicants this year is five times what it was last year.

9. The number of applicants this year is five times what it was/it had been/ last year.

10. The number of applicants this year is five times up on/over (the ones/that of) last year. 括号里的成份都正确吗,都可以省略吧?

11.  Compared with last year, the number of applicants this year has increased by four times.

12. The number of applicants this year is more than (the ones/that of) last year by four times.

13.  The number of applicants this has increased four times compared with 1980.

14.  The number of applicants this year is five times (that/that of/the ones of) last year. 括号里的成份都正确吗,可以省略吗?



以上句子,1) applicants前面需要定冠词the吗?

2) 其次,几乎每个句中都涉及the ones, that ,that of的问题,请老师把这个问题重点讲一下。

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最佳答案 2017-10-28 10:36


原句:谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈---- 今年的求职者是去年的五倍。

The competition of finding these jobs/positions is very fierce---


  1. The applicants this year are five times more than (the ones/that) last year. 括号里的成分都正确吗?可以省略,是吗?

    是五倍,即增加了四倍,应该是five times as many as或four times more than.而five times more意为多五倍,是六倍。另外,今年的求职者和去年的求职者是不同的人,不能用人称代词they指代主语。如果去掉括号内的词项,than last year就只能认为是than they were last year.人称代词they指代错误。that只能替代特指单数名词或不可数名词,不能替代复数名词。因此只能用替代词the ones.这是ones替代复数名词applicants,而不是指代今年的求职者这些人。于是the ones last year=the applicants last year.系动词were省略。正确的句子应该是:The applicants this year are five times as many as/four times more than the ones last year.

2. The number of applicants this year is five times more than (that/that of/the ones of) last year. 原句未省略之前是that, that of还是the ones of? 还是都正确?都可省略?


3. The applicants this year are five times as many as (the ones/that) last year. 括号里的成分正确吗?可以省略,是吗?

此句必须使用the ones. 则为正确翻译。that只能替代单数和不可数名词。理由见第1句的解释。

4. The number of applicants this year is five times as many as (the ones/that) of last year. 括号里的成分都正确吗?可以省略,是吗?

括号内的that不可省略,number和number比较,不是和year比较。特指单数的number,用that替代。the ones只能替代复数名词。另外,many应改为large或great。因为主语是number。我们不能说The number is many. 只能说The number is large or great。

5.The applicants are five times the number of (the ones/that) last year. 括号里的成分都正确吗,可省略?系动词是are,是吗?

必须使用the ones替代复数名词appicants. the number of last year为比较逻辑错误。

6. We have five times more applicants this year than last year.

倍数表示错误。如果将倍数表示改为four times more, 与后面的than呼应就正确了。

7. We have five times as many applicants this year as (we had) last year. 括号内可省去?

正确。we had可以省略,也可以保留。

8. The number of applicants this year is five times what it was last year.

正确。what=the number which. 倍数为前位限定词,the为中位限定词,既表示出倍数又表示出特指。

9. The number of applicants this year is five times what it was/it had been/ last year.


10. The number of applicants this year is five times up on/over (the ones/that of) last year. 括号里的成份都正确吗,都可以省略吧?

比较的是number,不是applicants。因此括号中的ones为错误。five times up表示上升(增加)五倍,为倍数表示错误,不符合原意。

11.  Compared with last year, the number of applicants this year has increased by four times.


12. The number of applicants this year is more than (the ones/that of) last year by four times.

括号中的ones为错误,该用that of, 不可省略。more应改为greater。

13.  The number of applicants this has increased four times compared with 1980.

four times前应加介词by, 表示净增加量。

14.  The number of applicants this year is five times (that/that of/the ones of) last year. 括号里的成份都正确吗,可以省略吗?

同理,比较的是number,必须使用that of, 不可省略。



以上句子,1) applicants前面需要定冠词the吗?

2) 其次,几乎每个句中都涉及the ones, that ,that of的问题,请老师把这个问题重点讲一下。


one, ones作为名词替代词,只能替代可数名词,并且有单复数之别。one替代单数名词,ones替代复数名词。本句中如果是比较applicants,则需要用the ones替代这个复数名词。



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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编


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  • cute 提出于 2017-10-25 15:07
