购物时要表示具体数量用how much还是how many

Then write how much you want to buy of each ingredient. (书上)

Then write how many you want to buy of each ingredients. (自己会这样说)

而且书上接下来还给了ingredients 的清单:

two tins of tomatoes

a packet of spaghetti

four onions

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最佳答案 2017-10-17 17:33

Then write how much you want to buy of each ingredient. (书上)

Then write how many you want to buy of each ingredients.(自己会这样说)

你自己说的each ingredients是错误。each后接单数名词。

原句的意思是写出你要买的每一种食材的量。作者脑子里其实想的是quantity。而quantity此时的意思是amout of something. 这个意义的quantity是不可数名词。于是作者用how much取代了quantity。这是可以理解的。因为多数的食材是物质名词不可数,如rice,butter,oil,flour。当然,像eggs,onions,potatoes等又是可数的。你改为how many则无法体现flour,rice等不可数名词。因此我们应该理解是quantity这个不可数名词导致作者使用了how much而不用how many. 

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