2 German与Germany哪个是词根

German 与 Germany 哪个是才是词根?


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最佳答案 2017-10-08 20:28


Germany: a country in central Europe

German: relating to Germany, its people, or its language

从以上释义可以看出:应该是先有 Germany 后有 German,因为在解释German时用到了Germany。

另一个可以解释先有 Germany 后有 German 的解释是类似以下派生方式(先有国家名,后才有相应的形容词):





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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编


▲ 德意志(Germany)通称德国,位于欧洲中部。第二次世界大战后曾分裂为东、西两个德国,1990年两德统一。Germany 音译“折磨你”,可能是因为希特勒的缘故。

德国古代即由日耳曼人的一支条顿人居住,古罗马帝国的高卢人称之为日耳曼尼亚(Germania),即“日耳曼人的土地”,而germani 意为“邻居”。


又据考证,germani是“山地人”的意思,因雅利安语的词根gara或 gari是“山”。

日耳曼人自称Deutsche,称其国家为 Deutschland。Deutsche来自古高德语thiuda,意为“人民”,land意为“土地”,Deutschland即“人民的土地”。汉语音译为德意志。

法国人称他们为Allemagne,是由于三世纪的一个日耳曼人部落集团阿列曼人,他们自称 All-men,即全体人民,拉丁化作Alemanni或Allemanni。西班牙语、葡萄牙语、意大利语的名称均由此派生。

▲ 以下内容来自 youdict 优词(英语词源词典):

Germany (n.)

c. 1300, from Latin Germania, a Roman designation (see German (n.)). In Middle English the place also was called Almaine (early 14c.; see Alemanni).

German (n.) 

"a native of Germany," 1520s, from Latin Germanus (adjective and noun, plural Germani), first attested in writings of Julius Caesar, who used Germani to designate a group of tribes in northeastern Gaul, of unknown origin. Probably originally the name of an individual tribe, but Gaulish (Celtic) origins have been proposed, from words perhaps originally meaning "noisy" (compare Old Irish garim "to shout") or "neighbor" (compare Old Irish gair "neighbor"). Middle English had Germayns (plural, late 14c.), but only in the sense "ancient Teuton, member of the Germanic tribes." The earlier English word was Almain (early 14c.; see Alemanni) or Dutch.

Their name for themselves, die Deutschen (see Dutch), dates from 12c. Roman writers also used Teutoni as a German tribal name, and writers in Latin after about 875 commonly refer to the German language as teutonicus (see Teutonic). Meaning "the German language" in English is from 1748. High German (1823 in English) and Low German as a division of dialects is geographical: High German (from 16c. established as the literary language) was the German spoken in the upland regions in southern Germany, Low German (often including Dutch, Frisian, Flemish), also called Plattdeutsch was spoken in the regions near the North Sea. In the U.S. German also was used of descendants of settlers from Germany.

German (adj.)

"of or pertaining to Germany or the Germans," 1550s, from German (n.). German shepherd as a breed of dog (1922) is short for German shepherd dog (1889), which translates German deutscher Schäferhund. German Ocean as an old name for the North Sea translates Ptolemy. German measles attested by 1856. German-American is from 1880. German Reformed church is from 1812.

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陈才   - 英语教师


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