3 如何翻译across the road from the shop

He shouted to us across the road from the shop.

请问这个句子如何翻译?尤其是如何翻译across the road from the shop?

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最佳答案 2017-10-05 10:56

He shouted to us across the road from the shop.

请问这个句子如何翻译?尤其是如何翻译across the road from the shop?


across the road 意思是“在马路对面”,from the shop 作定语修饰the road,“马路的对面”是针对“商店”而言的。也就是说,“他”和“商店”不在马路的同一边。

如果去掉from the shop,意思就变成:他在马路对面向我们大声喊叫。


就本句而言,shouted 这个动作不可能发生在两个地方(位置),这两个地方(位置)之间,必定是定语的修饰关系。


1. 别的先不说,但就这句话He shouted from the shop. 符合逻辑吗?

我们可以说His shout came from the shop. I heard a shout from the shop. 但不能说He shouted from the shop. 您不是最注重逻辑吗?He shouted from the shop. 算不算“中国式英语”呢?

2. 一个句子中,一个动作或行为发生的地点,在逻辑上只有一个,不可能有两个地点状语。我是坚持这样认为的。如果出现了多个地点用于修饰一个谓语动词,那么,这几个地点之间必定是定语的修饰关系。随便举一个例子:

He stood at the top of the tower near the river from the western hill.

top, tower, river, hill 之间是什么修饰关系?他能同时在这4个地方站立吗?

3. 这里有现成的句子,您看看翻译得对不对?

The hospital is across the street from the school.


The restaurant is across the street from the hotel.


The restaurant is across the street from the International Hotel.


They live across the road from us.


Look at that building across the street from us.


On the last day of our visit, I found myself alone on a busy corner across the street from our hotel.





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1 我已经在我解答的最后承认我对这个句子的分析欠妥。因为蒋老师的所举的例句以及您补充的例句足以说明from介词短语是和across介词短语搭配使用的,即表示across的起点或参照点。您和蒋老师的理解是一致的。翻译也符合原句的意思。

2 如果不是和cross搭配使用,from完全可以修饰动词shout. 可以表示从某个地方向另一个方向喊话或大声说话这样一个逻辑关系,表示声音的来源(source)。这并没有违背逻辑。COCA语料库有大量例句证明这种用法并不是中国式英语。以下是我从COCA摘引的几个例句(有很多类似例句的):

One evening, while he was washing the dinner dishes, she shouted from the bedroom, "Tell me her name, Norman!"


 "Brace yourself, "Noor shouted from the next room. 


 "No camp, no camp," people shouted from the train. 


 "Taf!" The clean dishes shuddered on the shelves as Mr Cook shouted from the great room.


“His behavior naturally still carries traces of it," he shouted from the bathroom.


Grandpa shouted from the living room, "What're you two whispering about in there?"


 Abraham shouted from the front seat. "Everyone get down." 


 Mister Grafton shouted from the approaching boat: "Captain Henders!" 


 "Terence, are you washing now?"she shouted from another room. 

3 刘老师认为,一个动作只能在一个地方发生。如果一个句子有一个以上的表示地点的结构,只有一个是地点状语,其它的必定是定语。我记得刘老师在其它解答中表示过类似的观点,而且不但地点如此,时间也一样,只有一个时间状语,其它的时间结构都是定语。我觉得刘老师的这种观点过于绝对化了。因为在实际语言交流中,人们完全有可能先想到一个笼统的地点,然后再说具体的地点。换句话说,一个句子可能会有两个或以上的地点状语,它们之间存在精确程度的不同,而不一定都是定语关系。Rodney Huddleston等编著的The Cambradge Grammar of the English Language一书中对此就有论述,我摘录有关内容如下:P.682

Iretation of location adjucts and complements

1) a. I heard him at the Albert Hall, in London.

 b. I heard him in London, at the Albert Hall.

 c. In London I heard him at the Albert hall.

 d. At the Albert Hall I heard him in London.(错误,精确度较差的地点状语才能前置)

2 ) He is staying in the annexe, on the top floor, in Room 201.

Location may be given by a series of phrases differing in their degree of specificity: at the Albert Hall is more specific than in London, and in Room 201 is more specific than on the top floor, which is in turn more specific than in the annexe. The examples in 1 illustrate the relative positons of the phrases: note that preposing applies to the less specific, as shown by the contrast between 1c and 1d.




4 正因为刘老师认为一个句子只可能有一个地点状语,其它的地点短语都是定语,于是刘老师认为from the shop作定语修饰the road. 不知the road from the shop表达的是什么样的逻辑。刘老师和我都是注重逻辑的人,请刘老师告诉我这是一条什么样的路?显然将from the road理解为定语是错误的。

5 从逻辑上看,from短语是修饰across的,表示across的起算点。而不是修饰road的。


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蒋学文   - 英语教师





She sat down across the desk from him. 她隔着桌子在他对面坐了下来。

France is just across the Channel from here. 从这里穿过英吉利海峡就是法国。

Across the street from where we were standing was a beautiful park. 从我们站的地方穿过大街就有一个漂亮的公园。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


    补充两个例句:1. Across the street from where we're standing, you can see the old churchyard.在我们所站之处的街对面,你可以看到古老的教堂墓地。(摘自《朗文当代高级英语辞典》第5版) 2. He was seated across the table from me.(摘自《韦氏高阶英语词典》)

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陈才   - 英语教师


across the road from the shop 是地点状语,修饰谓语动词shouted ,表示动作发生地点,在某个地方向某人大声叫喊。

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  • 奉国平   提出于 2017-09-21 10:24
