1 英语否定句中如何判断否定的是句中的哪一部分

Did she imagine for a second that he did not regret his expulsion from the team a hundred times more than she did?


根据翻译,我觉得这个句子的否定词否定的不是动词 regret,并不是“他不后悔”,而是用 not 否定的是 Did she imagine,即是 Did not she imagine for a second that he did  regret his expulsion from the team a hundred times more than she did?



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最佳答案 2017-09-18 20:36

Did she imagine for a second that he did not regret his expulsion from the team a hundred times more than she did?


根据翻译,我觉得这个句子的否定词否定的不是动词 regret,并不是“他不后悔”,而是用 not 否定的是 Did she imagine,即是 Did not she imagine for a second that he did  regret his expulsion from the team a hundred times more than she did?



1. did not 只能在宾语从句中否定,它管不着主句Did she imagine。此外,imagine for a second 是个习语,意为想到某事时“脑海一闪而过”,比喻想到的时间短。

2. 原翻译中的“她难道没有想过”,可能误导了你。原翻译对Did she imagine for a second... 采取了“反问句”的翻译,这其实是“翻译变通”,把从句中隐含着的“难道没有”放在了主句上翻译。我们知道,“反问句”表达肯定的含义:“难道没有想过”的含义,就是“想过了,应该想过了”。





我再举个例子作一比照:Did you know he was cheating on his wife?





3. he did not regret his expulsion from the team a hundred times more than she did 这个句子,确实存在“否定转移”现象。not 虽在regret之前,但没有否定regret,而是否定了a hundred times more than she did 这一部分。


(1)He saw Tom a hundred times more than she did.

(2)He didn't see Tom a hundred times more than she did.










Happily his uncle didn't die. 幸运的是,他叔叔没有死。

His uncle didn't die happily.他叔叔死得很惨。


第一句:Happily修饰全句,相当于It was fortunate that his uncle didn't die. 译为:幸运的是,他叔叔没有死。

第二句:His uncle didn't die happily. not不是修饰die,而是修饰happily。所以,句子的实际含义是:His uncle died not happily. 译为:他叔叔死得很惨。

以上语言现象叫做否定转移(Negative transformation)。否定转移是指否定形式在谓语动词,而否定的信息焦点却在其他成分(如:主语,状语,表语等),或否定形式在主句,而否定的信息焦点却在从句。这是英语跟汉语不同的一种习惯和思维方式。

1. 表面否定主句,实则否定宾语从句:

I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you. 对不起,我想我不认识你。

(not否定宾语从句中的know,类似用法的动词还有believe, suppose, guess, imagine, expect, feel等)

I don’t believe that he is right. 我认为他不对。

I don’t suppose that Mary likes him. 我想玛丽不喜欢他。

I don’t expect they have finished the work. 我料想他们还没有完成工作。

I don’t suppose he will return to his hometown after a few years of study abroad. 我看他在国外学习几年后不会回家乡了。

I don’t feel you should go.我觉得你不应该去。

I didn’t imagine that Tom would help her.我猜想汤姆不会帮助她。

2. 表面否定主句,实则否定状语从句、表语从句或定语从句:

She didn’t take an umbrella because it was raining. 她不是因为下雨才带雨伞的。(因为下雨,所以她没带雨伞。——讲不通)

(not否定原因从句,相当于She took an umbrella not because it was raining.)

You shouldn’t get angry just because some people speak ill of you. 你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。

He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so.他并不只是因为亚里士多德说过某事如何,就轻易相信它。

You don’t look as if you know each other. 你们看上去好像不认识。

She didn’t seem as if she were drunk. 她看上去不像喝醉了。

He didn’t feel like he was hurt. 他觉得自己不像是受了伤。

It doesn’t sound as if it is blowing. 听起来不像是刮风。

It doesn’t look like it is going to rain. 看起来不会下雨。

It’s not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street. 这是一个地方,人们不会想到在街上会碰上陌生的人。

3. 表面否定谓语动词,实则否定不定式:

Mary does not seem to like you. 玛丽看起来不喜欢你。

(not 否定不定式like,相当于Mary seems not to like you.)

He didn’t appear to be quite well. 他看起来好像不太舒服。

It was fortunate that Tom didn’t happen to attend the party last night. 很幸运,汤姆那天晚上碰巧没来参加聚会。

4. 表面否定谓语动词,实则否定状语:

They didn’t come by train. 他们不是坐火车来的。

(not否定介词短语by train,相当于They came not by train.)

You can’t fool people all the time. 你不可能一直都在欺骗人。

We can’t judge a person by his appearance. 我们不能以貌取人。

They never talk about that matter in public. 他们从不在大众场合谈论那件事情。

Don’t read in the sun. 不要在阳光下看书。

Don’t talk with your mouth full of food. 不要口里含着食物说话。

The ant is not gathering food for itself alone. 蚂蚁不只是为自己采食。

She had not been married for many weeks when he saw her. 他看见她时,她结婚还没几个月。(不是“没结婚”)

5. 表面否定谓语动词,实则否定表语:

I am not feeling very well today. 我今天感觉不太好。

(not否定very well,相当于I am feeling not very well today.)

The food doesn’t taste delicious. 这个食品吃起来味道不好。

You don’t sound reasonable this time. 这回你的话听起来不在理。

6. 表面否定谓语动词,实则否定宾补:

 I don’t find the story interesting.我发现故事没有趣。

(not否定宾语补足语interesting,相当于I find the story not interesting.)

He didn’t think the math problem difficult. 他认为这道数学题不难。

We don’t consider it an easy question. 我们认为那不是一个容易的问题。

7. 固定句式:not否定比较级

---What did you think of the film last night? ---It couldn’t be better.

“你认为昨晚的电影怎么样?”--- “好极了。”

(couldn’t是“不可能”,better是“更好”。“不可能更好”意味着“再好不过了”。当can’t 或couldn’t 跟比较级连用时,not并没有否定谓语动词,而是否定了“比较级”,因而更加重了肯定的含义。)

I can’t agree more. 我再同意不过了。

8. 固定句式:not否定enough

I can’t thank you enough. 我对你真是感激不尽。


We couldn’t enjoy your meal enough. 你做的饭我们喜欢不够。

9. 固定句式:not否定too

We can’t praise the novel too highly. 这部小说我们怎么赞扬都不过分。

(not否定too highly,意味着“赞扬的程度不过分”。)

You can’t be too careful in doing the experiments. 做实验你越仔细越好。


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