
The center who fancied himself as Superman has become a journeyman, joining his fifth team in seven years when his hometown Atlanta Hawks unceremoniously dumped him in a trade to the Charlotte Hornets one disappointing season into a three-year, $70 million deal.

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最佳答案 2017-09-14 09:35

The center who fancied himself as Superman has become a journeyman, joining his fifth team in seven years when his hometown Atlanta Hawks unceremoniously dumped him in a trade to the Charlotte Hornets one disappointing season into a three-year, $70 million deal.


The center 主语

who fancied himself as Superman 主语的定语从句

has become a journeyman, 谓语(系表结构)

joining his fifth team in seven years when his hometown Atlanta Hawks unceremoniously dumped him in a trade to the Charlotte Hornets one disappointing season into a three-year, $70 million deal. 现在分词短语作谓语的原因状语。其中:

joining 现在分词(vt)

his fifth team in seven years 分词的宾语(in seven years是fifth team的定语)

when his hometown Atlanta Hawks unceremoniously dumped him in a trade to the Charlotte Hornets one disappointing season into a three-year, $70 million deal 为joining的时间状语从句。其中:

when 状语从句的连词

his hometown Atlanta Hawks 从句的主语

unceremoniously 方式状语

dumped 谓语

him 宾语

in a trade to the Charlotte Hornets 为dumped的具体时间状语

one disappointing season 为dumped的模糊时间状语

into a three-year, $70 million deal.为dumped的最终地点状语(类似于He dumped the old newspaper into the rubbish bin.中的into the rubbish bin.生成语法区分adjunct和complement。put sth on the table和change A into B中的介词短语都是complement,而不是adjunct。夸克语法称之为必具性状语,与宾语有关的状语。传统语法含糊的称为状语。)

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  • struggledjc 提出于 2017-09-13 14:36
