
  有这样一句话:The area from the coastline to about halfway up the hillside was covered by web that was too thick to see through. from the coastline 是介词+名词,而to about halfway up the hillside中to是介词,about halfway是副词词组,修饰up the hillside这个介词词组。不知道上述分析对否?这样一来,from...to...这个结构中from后跟的是名词(the coastline),而to后跟的不是名词,是经过副词词组(about halfway)修饰的介词词组(up the hillside),这样是否可行,是否恰当?

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最佳答案 2018-09-15 14:02

The area from the coastline to about halfway up the hillside was covered by the web that was too thick to see through.

from the coastline 是介词+名词,而to about halfway up the hillside中to是介词,about halfway是副词词组,修饰up the hillside这个介词词组。不知道上述分析对否?这样一来,from...to...这个结构中from后跟的是名词(the coastline),而to后跟的不是名词,是经过副词词组(about halfway)修饰的介词词组(up the hillside),这样是否可行,是否恰当?


1. 这句话的主干是:(见红色部分,其余都是定语修饰语)

The area from the coastline to about halfway up the hillside was covered by the web that was too thick to see through.

2. from the coastline to about halfway up the hillside:这是from...to...介词短语,表示范围,作定语修饰the area。

3. from...to...,在两个介词后面的介词宾语,应该都是名词性的词语。所以,from的宾语是the coastline;to 的宾语是about halfway(大约半山腰的位置,halfway 是副词,在此是名词用法),介词短语up the hillside 是halfway 的定语。

4. that was too thick to see through:是定语从句修饰the web。



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通常介词应该后接名词做介词宾语。但少数介词如from和to是例外,可以后接地点副词做宾语。例如:from here, to there等。about halfway up the hillside中地点副词halfway是中心词,副词about和介词短语up the hillside都是halfway的修饰语。因此介词to后接的是一个地点副词短语作介宾。这种情况并非少见。例如:It is very far from here to my house. It is very far from his house to here.


刘老师似乎不愿意承认副词可以作少数介词如from,to的补足成分(传统语法叫介词宾语)。认为既然用在介词后就一定是名词。但词典中似乎查不到halfway可以是名词性,说明绝大多数词典编篡者是接受副词可以作介宾的。from,to后都可以接there,here,now, then等。from还可以后接介词短语,如from behind the door. 在一些习语中还可见到介词后接形容词的,如at present, for sure, at best 等。难道要将这些介词后的结构都用名词用法来解释吗?我个人认为这种机械地认为介词后百分之百只能是名词的观点是不利于英语学习的。介词通常要后接名词结构,这是原则,但也有例外情况,应该提醒学习者注意例外情况并记忆其用法。如果将halfway简单地解释为副词的名词用法,会误导学习者以为副词可以当作名词来使用,我认为这种解释弊大于利。

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  • zhenghuosheng 提出于 2017-09-12 10:56
