
You can come and live with us in London.

把can come and live 看成是并列的谓语,还是省略之后的并列句?

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最佳答案 2017-08-07 20:38


He played the piano and she sang. 他弹钢琴,她唱歌。

Tom studies hard, but his brother doesn’t. 汤姆努力学习,但他弟弟不努力。

John works hard, so he has made great progress. 约翰工作努力,所以他已经取得了很大进步。



Sadie and Jason went there together. 塞迪和贾森一起去了那儿。

Sadie and Jason went and bought some fruits. 塞迪和贾森去买了一些水果。

Sadie and Jason went and bought some apples and oranges. 塞迪和贾森去买了一些苹果和橘子。

如果改为:Sadie bought some apples, and Jason bought some oranges. 就是并列句。





平行并列句由and,or, not only...but also...,either...or...,neither...nor...等连接。

    He played the piano and she sang.他弹钢琴,她唱歌。

    Tom not only taught,but he also wrote novels.汤姆不但教学,而且还写小说。

    Either you come to my house or I go to yours.或者你到我家来,或者我到你家去。

    We must get up early,or we shall miss the train.我们必须早点起床,否则就会误了火车。



    I had some medicine,but so far it hasn't done much good.


    Generally,butterflies are seen in the daytime while moths are seen in the dark.




    He didn't attend the meeting for he was ill.他病了,所以没来开会。

    He works hard,so he has made great progress.



    在“祈使句+陈述句”结构中,当祈使句部分为条件关系时,用and;当前后两部分意思相矛盾时,用or (or 表示“否则”)。如果把祈使句可转换成由if 或unless 引导的条件状语从句时,必须将and 或or 去掉。如:

Hurry up,and we'll be there on time.若快点,我们就能准时赶到那儿。

= If we hurry up, we'll be there on time.

Hurry up,or we'll be late for the concert.快点,否则我们参加音乐会就迟到了。

= If we don't hurry up, we'll be late for the concert.

= Unless we hurry up, we'll be late for the concert.



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其它 2 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

You can come and live with us in London.


把can come and live 看成是并列的谓语,还是省略之后的并列句?




She has come.


Tom and Mike has come.


Tom came and helped me with my English.


Tom and Mary came in and sat down.




He helps me and I help him.


The radio is very old, but it works well.


Either you go there or I go there.


Tom was ill, so he didn't go to school today.

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You can come and live with us in London.

情态动词后接不带to的不定式构成复合谓语。不过这个句子的can后面是并列的不定式共用一个can,即come and live with us in London. 这个句子不应理解为You can come and (can) live with us in London. 或者You can come and you can live with us in London. 这就是qlf2007老师解释的后现代语法的分析。

这个句子可以改写为You can come to live with us in London.这时,to live不定式短语为come的目的状语。因此,不存在并列句的问题。

They jump up and down with joy。

这个句子中up and down是并列的副词作方式状语,with joy是原因状语。不存在并列句的省略问题。

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  • ruiqiang 提出于 2017-08-06 17:10
