您说的应该是 Echo Question(回复疑问句)。
这样翻译太怪了。我在本科时曾把 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language 翻译成中文,当时 Echo Question 这个术语我称之为“仿话疑问句”。
1. 极性仿话:确认句子的极性(肯定还是否定)
原话:She's leaving on Saturday.
仿话:She's leaving on Saturday?
2. 选择仿话:从易混淆选项中确定其中一个
原话:He gaive it to Anne.
仿话:He gave it to Anne or Anna?
3. 变量仿话:确定句中某一成分
原话:He's proposing to resign.
仿话:He's proposing to what?
原话:What did he do last week?
仿话:What did he do when?
原话:Give the key to Angela.
仿话:Give what to Angela?
回声问句echo questions指听话人没有听明白说话人的话,因而提出的问句。由于问句中重复说话人的全部或部分词语,就像回声似的,因此叫作回声问句。回声问句又分为二种:重复性回声问句Recapitulatory echo questions和解释性回声问句Explicatory echo questions。
1 重复性回声问句即简单重复说话人的全部或部分陈述,读升调,希望说话人予以证实。例如:
A: I didn't like that meal. B: You didn't LIKE it ?
A: The Browns are emigrating. B: Emigrating?
A: Switch the light off, please. B: Switch the LIGHT OFF?
A: It cost five dollars. B: HOW much did it cost?
A: He's a dermatologist. B: WHAT is he?
A: We're leaving him here. B: WHAT are you doing with him?
A: I'll pay for it. B : You'll WHAT?
A: I saw Ted Dawson today. B: You saw WHO?
A: Have you borrowed my PEN? B: (Have I) borrowed your PEN?
A : Whatdo you think of the picture?
B: What do I THINK of it? [Did you say "what do I think of it?"]
A : Have you ever been to Valladolid?
B : (Have I ever been) WHERE?
A: How did you enjoy the carnival?
B: How did I enjoy WHAT?
2 解释性回声问句则要求说话人澄清陈述中表达不清楚的地方,而不是简单的重复说话人的话。例如:
A: Take a look at this! B: Take a look at WHAT?
A: He's missed the bus again. B: WHO's missed the bus?
A: Oh dear, I've lost the letter. B: WHICH letter have you lost?
以上三个例句中的this, he, the letter都是特指,即听说双方共识的,但实际听话人并不知其所指,因此要求说话人澄清。