3 英语句子成分分析

It is recommended that WAF approve the detailed design of the proposed watermain alignment as shown on the construction drawings and allow this project to proceed to the construction stage as a matter of urgency so that the laying of the new DN375mm mPVC pipe can commence.  And that the stream crossing options be further investigate and a recommendation be prepared presented to WAF for approval at a later date.  


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最佳答案 2017-07-24 22:41

It is recommended that WAF approve the detailed design of the proposed watermain alignment as shown on the construction drawings and allow this project to proceed to the construction stage as a matter of urgency so that the laying of the new DN375mm mPVC pipe can commence.  And that the stream crossing options be further investigate and a recommendation be prepared presented to WAF for approval at a later date.  


It is recommended:It形式主语+被动语态谓语。recommend要求that从句用虚拟语气。

that WAF approve the detailed design of the proposed watermain alignment as shown on the construction drawings and allow this project to proceed to the construction stage as a matter of urgency so that the laying of the new DN375mm mPVC pipe can commence为that引导的真正主语从句。其中:WAF为主语,approve谓语1(动词原型式虚拟语气),the detailed design of the proposed watermain alignment宾语,as shown on the construction drawings过去分词短语作后置定语,and allow谓语动词2(虚拟语气),this project宾语,to proceed to the construction stage不定式短语作宾语补足语,as a matter of urgency介词短语作方式状语修饰to proceed, so that the laying of the new DN375mm mPVC pipe can commence目的状语从句修饰谓语allow。


这个句子只是并列的两个that从句,从句中都是动词原型。对此可以有两种解释:1 承前省略了it is recommended。2 与上一句最后的目的状语从句并列的目的状语从句(so省略),后一个从句so和that均省略。动词原型可理解为承前省略了can,也可理解直接用原型动词作谓语(目的状语从句的虚拟语气)。

that the stream crossing options主语 be further investigated被动语态谓语 and a recommendation 主语 be prepared被动语态谓语1 and presented被动语态谓语2 to WAF方向状语 for approval at a later date目的状语.  

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第一句话,it作形式主语,it is recommended即“有人这样建议”,真正的主语从WAF approve一直延伸到can commence,其结构是先用and并列了两件事,然后加了两个状语。先说两个状语:as a matter of urgency是说将这两件事当做紧急的事情来处理;so that ...表示目的,目的是the laying of the new DN375mm mPVC pipe can commence。commence是开始,laying是动词lay(铺设)转名词,laying of sth.即将某物铺设这件事情。

然后解释两件事。注意它们都用了虚拟语气,因为这是被建议执行的事。第一件事:WAF approve ...,approve即批准,从the detailed design到construction drawings都是它的宾语,可分为两部分理解。the detailed design of the proposed watermain alignment是主体部分,即规划的总水管的排列的具体设计;as shown on the construction drawings修饰主体部分,即“以工程图纸上所示的为准”。

第二件事:allow this project to proceed to the construction stage,省略了重复的主语WAF。即允许工程进入到施工阶段。

第二句话您可能打错了几个地方,理解如下:And that the stream crossing options be further investigated and a recommendation be prepared and presented to WAF for approval at a later date.

这句话是对第一句话中并列的建议的补充(依然是虚拟语气),但不受第一句话中两个状语的修饰。依然是两件事。第一件事:the stream crossing options be further investigated,即进一步研究考量stream crossing的方式。

第二件事:a recommendation be prepared and presented to WAF for approval at a later date,从开头到to WAF是主体,即准备一份建议书呈递给WAF,后面for approval at a later date表示以便将来再作批准。

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  • luffy.liu 提出于 2017-07-23 20:41
