1 这个表示方位的短语缺少介词吗

Rosario is about 300 kilometers northwest of Argentina's capital.

红色部分是不是缺少什么介词?请老师对红色部分进行一下分析,完整形式是什么?是谁修饰谁? 谢谢专家老师。

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最佳答案 2017-07-02 14:10

Rosario is about 300 kilometers northwest of Argentina's capital.



1. Rosario: 主语。

2. is: 系动词;词义相当于不及物动词lie,意为“坐落于”。

3. about 300 kilometers: 名词性短语,作程度状语,修饰表语部分。该部分如果省略,句子仍然完整。

4. northwest of Argentina's capital:介词短语,作表语。


三、下面重点分析“方位副词 + of  + 地点名词”的用法,有3个问题需要讨论:

1. “方位副词 +  of  + 地点名词”,是个什么样的词组?

2. “方位副词 + of  + 地点名词”,在句子中能做什么成分?

3. northwest of Argentina's capital 表示:in the northwest of Argentina's capital,还是to the northwest of Argentina's capital?


第1个问题:“方位副词 + of + 地点名词”,是个什么样的词组?

方位词一共有8个,之前有the 是名词,没有the 是副词。

“方位副词 + of  + 地点名词”,实际是一个of 介词短语,而在of 前加了方位副词,构成了一个含有副词修饰的介词短语,表示方位。例如:a railway north of the city 城北的一条铁路。

“方位副词 + of + 地点名词”结构也是8个:

“north of + 地点名词”

“south of + 地点名词”

“east of + 地点名词”

“west of + 地点名词”

“northeast of + 地点名词”

“northwest of + 地点名词”

“southeast of + 地点名词”

“southwest of + 地点名词”

第2个问题:“方位副词 + of + 地点名词”,在句中可以作什么成分?

可以做表语、定语和状语。下面以“north of + 地点名词” 为例列举:


The United States is north of the equator.美国位于赤道以北。

The lake is due north of the village.这个湖位于村庄的正北方。

Canada is north of the United States.加拿大在美国的北面。

The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre.奥林匹克体育场在市中心的北部。

Behai Park is just north of the Forbidden City.北海公园就在故宫的北侧。

网友的这个句子就是该类型,只不过在“方位副词 + of  + 地点名词”之前加了一个名词性短语about 300 kilometers,说明在阿根廷首都西北部的距离多远。


The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. 温哥华北面的海岸上有着世界上最古老和最美丽的森林。

They lived in a village north of London.他们住在伦敦北部的一个村庄里。

All the states east of the Mississippi were connected during this decade.在这十年中,密西西比河以东的所有各州都连上了铁路。

The little plane came down at the old airport south of the town.小飞机在城南的飞机场降落了。

He and Mrs. Kessler live in a big house west of here.他和克斯勒太太住在西边的一栋大房子里。


The two roads meet just north of the city.两条马路就在城市的北面汇合。

I live north of Seattle and work around that area quite a bit.我住在西雅图北部,相当多的时间在那一带工作。

Edinburgh is a long way north of London.爱丁堡在伦敦北面很远的地方。

Lying north of the church is a girls' senior high school.位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。

I do not know the address, but it's two blocks north of the hotel我不知道地址,但地点是离酒店北边两条街的地方。

North of the equator nights are longer than days.赤道以北地区,黑夜比白天长。

It is just 137 kilometres north of the equator.它位于赤道以北仅137公里。

The airport, he informed me, was half a mile north of the town.他告诉我飞机场在城区以北半英里处。

The park is about two miles north (south, east, west) of our school.公园在我校以北(以南、以东、以西)约两英里处。

North of the equater about 61 percent of the surface is covered by water.北半球大约有百分之六十一的表面为水所覆盖。

North of the city lies a railway.城市北边有一条铁路。

Just north of Germany lies the Baltic Sea.波罗的海位于德国正北面。

The hotel is situated two miles north of downtown.那家旅馆位于闹市区以北两英里处。

第3个问题:northwest of Argentina's capital:

表示 in the northwest of Argentina's capital 还是to the northwest of Argentina's capital?

根据事实,northwest of Argentina's capital 应该是to the northwest of Argentina's capital,因为罗萨里奥市不是阿根廷首都的一部分,而是单独一个城市。它不可能坐落于首都之内,不是城中城。

所以,“north (south, east, west) of + 地点名词”表示“在该地点名词的外部”,等于“to the north (south, east, west) of + 地点名词”。若表示在该地点名词的内部,则用“in the the north (south, east, west) of + 地点名词”。下面举一些常见的例句:

含有south of 的例句:

That village is 15 miles south of London.那个村庄位於伦敦以南十五英里处。

Troops are concentrating south of the river.军队正向河的南边集结。

South of the equator nights are longer than days.赤道以南地区黑夜比白天长。

It's a town about 250 kilometers south of Weifang.那是在潍坊以南约二百五十公里的一个镇。

We visited the power station lying south of the reservoir.我们访问了水库南边的电站。

It's very central. It's just one street south of Changan Avenue.就在市中心。就在长安大街往南的一条街上。

South of the city lies a big steel factory.城南有个大型钢铁厂。

South of the city lies a middle school.城市南边有一所中学。

It extends for sixteen-million square kilometers south of the Arctic Circle.它占据了北极圈南部的1600万平方公里的面积。

South of the line, slavery was legal.分界线以南,奴隶制是合法的。

It's just south of Tian'anmen Square, isn't it?就在天安门广场的南面,对吗?

Heavy fighting was reported to be going on south of the river.据报导,河的南边有激烈战斗。

The countries south of the equator are in the Southern Hemisphere.赤道以南的国家是在南半球。

South of them, the ground rose gently away from the brook.在它们的南面,地面逐渐从溪谷抬升隆起。

含有east of 的例句:

East of the city is a steel works.这城的东面有一家钢厂。

East of the city lie two chemical works.城东有两家化工厂。

East of the village stands a small lake.村东有一个小湖。

Because Asia is east of Europe, “Oriental” took on the meaning of “Asian”.因为亚洲位于欧洲的东方,东方人便有了亚洲人的含义。

The village is 15 miles east of the town.村庄座落在城镇之东十五英里处。

China lies in Asia, east of the world.中国位于世界的东方,属于亚洲。

East of the village are continuous mountains.村子东面就是绵连不断的群山。

I live a few blocks east of the stadium.我住在离体育场东面隔几个街区的位置。

含有west of 的例句:

The village lies 15 miles west of town.该村庄位于城西十五英里处。

The island just west of Britain is called Ireland.位于不列颠岛以西的岛屿称作爱尔兰。

Korea lies west of Japan.朝鲜在日本以西。

The land west of the mountain stretches as far as the eye can see.群山以西的地域一望无际。

The longitude of New York is74 degrees west of Greenwich.纽约的经度是西经74度。

West of the mountains, the climate is damp from Pacific winds.山的西面,气候因太平洋的湿风而变得湿润。

You've never been west of Philly, have you?你从没去过费城以西的地方,不是吗

West of our city is a reservoir.在我们市区的西边有一个水库。

It's 15 miles or so west of Oxford.它位于牛津以西15英里左右。

Do you know what country is west of the U.S?你知道美国的西部是哪个国家吗?



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其它 4 个回答


Rosario is about 300 kilometers northwest of Argentina's capital .




这句话可以改写为Rosario is about 300 kilometers to the northwest of Argentina's capital .

当方位短语在句子中用作表语或定语时,构成其前部分的介词in / to / on 以及定冠词 the

是共存亡的关系,此时我们可以看成省略或干脆把east/ west/ north等词看做副词。个人认为对于初学者可以不做过多词性分析,这对于通过比较把握这两种方位短语结构之间的关系有好处。


 The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world .在温哥华北部的海岸上保存着世界上最原始、最美丽的森林。

It's approximately four hundred kilometres northeast of Toronto, so it would take too long.它在多伦多东北方约400公里处,要去那儿花时间就太多了




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陈才   - 英语教师

Rosario is about 300 kilometers northwest of Argentina's capital.

=Rosario is about 300 kiometers (to the 可省略)northwest of Argentina’s capital.

(1)副词用法northwest of +B)

The town is northwest of Washington , D . C.  


KUJIRA is now situated northwest of a subtropical ridge.  


(2)名词用法(in/on/to+the northwest of +B)

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region lies in the northwest of China.  


I live in the northwest of Beijing, drop round some day.  

我住在北京的西北角, 有时间来玩啊.

(1)in the east /south/west/north of +地点名词(属于名词词性用法)

Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.  


Spain lies in the south of Europe.  


5. Spain is in the south of Europe.  


(2)east/south/west/north of +地点名词(属于副词词性用法)

south of 位于…以南;在…南边 

They now own and operate a farm 50 miles south of Rochester.  


I was living in a house just south of Market Street.  







【1】A+系动词be+in the east/south/west/north of B


Japan is in the east of Asia.


Italy is in the south of Europe.


【2】A+系动词be+on the east/south/west/north of B


The United States faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west.


Guangdong is on the south of Hunan.广东在湖南南边。

Shangdong is on the north of Jiangsu.山东在江苏北边。

【3】A+系动词be+to the east/south/west/north of B


Japan is to the east of China.


France is to the east of England.



【1】A+系动词be+(距离)in the east/south/west/north of B


(1)“A lies XXX km to the east of B”

Suzhou is about 50 miles to the west of Shanghai.


(2)“A lies XXXkm east of B

Suzhou is about 50 miles  west of Shanghai.


【2】A+系动词be+(距离)on the east/south/west/north of B

【3】A+系动词be+(距离)to the east/south/west/north of B


【1】A+系动词be+(距离)in the east/south/west/north of B

Suzhou is about 50 miles (to the可以省略) west of Shanghai.


【2】A+系动词be+(距离)on the east/south/west/north of B

【3】A+系动词be+(距离)to the east/south/west/north of B


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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    Rosario is about 300 kilometers northwest of Argentina's capital.是正确的。     以下内容摘自《韦氏高阶英语词典》,与上述句子结构完全相同: northwest  adv: to or toward the northwest  It's about 80 miles northwest of here.

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应为:Rosario is about 300 kilometers to the northwest of Argentina's capital.

about 300 kilomerters修饰介词to。介词短语做表语,表示主语的位置。现代语法会认为be是不及物动词,介词短语地点状语。两种分析方法都可以。


看了黎老师解答,确实northwest可以是副词,等于to, toward or in the northwest. 这样原句就不需再加to the. 原句正确。(但是加了to the也是正确的,而且更清楚。这时northwest是名词。)about 300 miles 仍然修饰副词northwest。


northwest of London. 无论northwest是名词、形容词还是副词,都是中心词,of London介词短语后置修饰northwest。

在提问的句子中,northwest是一个副词词组带了两个修饰语,一个是前置修饰语about 300 miles,一个是后置修饰语of Argentina's capital.



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  • beginner 提出于 2017-07-01 18:01
