6 the same place as与the same place where用法疑问





我再在曹老师句子的基础上增加一问:如果把 as 换成 where 也可以吗?如果可以,有区别吗?如果不是可以,是为什么不可以?

Meet me at the same place as / where you did yesterday.


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最佳答案 2017-06-29 16:32


真正意义上的关系代词/关系副词(who, whom, whose, that, which, where, when, why)引导限制性定语从句时,在非正式语体满足适当条件的情况下,关系词可以省略,但定语从句的其它成分是不能省略的,也不能用动词替代式。


因此这个句子用as时可以省略you did

Meet me at the same place as yesterday.


Meet me at the same place as you met me yesterday.




He runs as fast as I (do)

He runs as fast as me.

His house is as big as ours

His house is the same as ours.

We stayed at the same hotel as our parents.

He works in the same company as I do.

He works in the same company where I work.






1 Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday. (正确)

因为“定语”从句的谓语用的是替代动词did,这排除了where或that(关系副词),因为关系代词/关系副词引导的限制性定语从句不允许使用动词替代。此句中the same place指同一个地方,the same place=the very place. 只是强调。as引导的是方式状语从句,和same的使用无直接关系,将the same换成that,仍然用as引导方式状语从句。as引导方式状语,如果从句谓语动词与主句相同,必须采用动词替代。如:Write this phrase 50 times as you did yesterday. 不能说as you wrote yesterday. 还可以省略相同的主语和谓语:Write this phrase 50 times as yesterday. 上面那句话也可以省略主语也谓语:Meet me at the same place as yesterday. Meet me there as yesterday. 有人可能会质问:直接理解as指代place多简单。可我认为as只能替代,不能指代。as充其量是个准关系代词而不是真正意义上的关系代词,没有指代功能,不能与先行词共指同一物。


2 Put the book back in the same place as you found it. (错误)

与上句中我解释的道理一样,根据逻辑,the same place意为同一个地方,as不能指代同一个事物,只能按方式状语解释,但以找到书的方式放书,这样的表达不合逻辑。因此无论按“定语”从句还是方式状语从句都讲不通,as的使用为错误。正确的应该是具有指代作用的关系副词where。


3 Meet me at the shcool gate as you did yesterday.  (正确)



4 Meet me at the same school gate as you did yesterday. (正确)

正确。从上一句可以看出as从句的存在和the same没有直接关系。本句加上same只是加强了语气,并不是比较意义,不影响as从句继续为方式状语从句。


5 Meet me at the shcool gate where we parted yesterday.  (正确)



6 Meet me at the same shcool gate where we parted yesterday. (正确)

正确。the same强调同一个不影响关系副词where的指代作用。same只起了强调作用。

就如同:This is the (same) pen that I lost yesterday. 用不用same不影响that的使用。


7 Meet me at the same shcool gate as we parted yesterday.  (错误)





当as作为介词与the same连用时,由于不存在指代和替代的差别,the same为“同一个”还是“同样的”都是可以的。但如果as引导的是主谓结构完整的从句时,as隐含比较意义,即二者间进行比较,因此不能和先行词共指同一人/同一物,即as只是个准关系代词/准关系副词,不具备真正的关系代词/关系副词(如that/who/whom/whose/where/when/why)的指代功能。as引导定语从句时,the same只能是“同样的”而不能是“同一个”。



This is the boy that broke the window yesterday.

This is the very boy that broke the window yesterday.

This is the same boy that broke the wndow yesterday.

关系代词与先行词已经共指同一人,加same并不改变指代关系,只是加强了语气。因此the same作同一个解的时候属于intensifier。与是否使用as没有关系。表示“同样的”意义的the same后面才必须用as,表示比较意义。



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其它 4 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday.

Meet me at the same place where you met me yesterday.

【说明】以上两个句子都正确,意思都是:“在你昨天见我的(同一个)地方见我。”as是关系副词,引导定语从句;在 the same place as 后面的句子可以用省略结构;在 the same place where 后面的句子不能用省略结构。所以,不能说:Meet me at the same place where you did yesterday.

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编


由于the place 表达一个很笼统的地点概念,为了理解方便,我们换一下地点名词。

1. Meet me at the shcool gate as you did yesterday. 

【说明】划线部分是方式状语从句,它可以重复主句内容,表示主句发生的方式。as 是从属连词,在从句中不作成分,you did 是you met me 的省略说法。as 从句修饰的是一个事件(即:主句 Meet me at the school gate),不是某个名词。

2. Meet me at the shcool gate where you did yesterday.


3. Meet me at the shcool gate where we parted yesterday. 


4. Meet me at the same school gate as you did yesterday.

【说明】划线部分是定语从句。在这个句子中,由于先行词有了the same,所以它限制了as 从句的表意功能,所以as you did yesterday 是定语从句,as 是关系副词,本身在从句中又做了成分(地点状语)。as 修饰的是某个词语(the same school gate)。

5. Meet me at the same shool gate where you did yesterday.

【说明】划线部分是定语从句,但有两处错误:1.the same 被架空,定语从句缺少匹配的词语;2.定语从句不应重复主句内容。建议把where 改为as,回到句4。


句1:方式状语从句;句3:定语从句(主从句的内容不重复,如若重复,请选择句1和句4两种表达。);句4:定语从句(the same ... as ...固定结构);句2和句5,存在逻辑错误,判为错句。

需要特别指出的是:句1和句4,就是一字之差(句4多了一个same),结果是,两个as 句成了不一样的从句,这是因为主句有了the same,就限制了as 的表意作用和语法作用。


Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday.(正确)

Meet me at the same place where you did yesterday.(错误)

道理很简单,当先行词有the same 限定时,引导定语从句的关系词要受限制。难怪,几乎所有的语法书都认为:

as 引导限制性定语从句,它的先行词之前有as, so, such, the same 等修饰。


Put the book back in the same place _____ you found it. 


Put the book back in the place _____ you found it. 



对于用as 还是where 的问题,我用这两句作对比,是表明我的观点。红色部分是我的答案。

Put the book back in the same place as you found it. 

Put the book back in the place where you found it. 



但我认为,第一句用as 第二句用where。道理很简单:从逻辑和搭配关系上考虑,如果用了where,那么same 就是多余。因为,说这话的人想强调这样一个事实:“放书的地方跟发现书的地方,必须是完全相同的”——只有用the same...as...才能表达出这层意思,否则,定语从句用where引导,the same 就被架空,缺失了匹配的词语。

为了证实这个问题,我建议各位老师和网友查阅“语料库”,输入:the same...as 和the same ...where,看看结果到底如何?



一、根据您前面的解答,您认为 Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday.这句话是正确的。而Put the book back in the same place as you found it. 这句话又是错误的。该如何解释呢?


1. Meet me at the shcool gate as you did yesterday.  

2. Meet me at the same school gate as you did yesterday.

3. Meet me at the shcool gate where we parted yesterday. 

4. Meet me at the same shcool gate where we parted yesterday.

5. Meet me at the same shcool gate as we parted yesterday. 


(说明:一般而言,一所学校有两个或以上的大门是合乎常理的,所以说the same school gate 符合逻辑。)

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王汝涛   - 英语教师

这里不用where 主要是后面的you did 不可以,英语不这么说,但可以说Meet me at the same place where you saw me yesterday.

Put the book back in the same place _____ you found it.
这句话可以用where 也可以什么不填。

例句:He found the towels at the same place where I left them in the morning.

      Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.

如果填as,意思就不同了,它的大概意思应该是 你在那里怎么找到的就怎么放回原处。

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陈才   - 英语教师

Meet me at the same place as / where you did yesterday.



(2)当先行词被the same,so,such,as修饰/限定时,不能由关系副词where引导定于从句,只能由as引导定语从句.

Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday.(正确)

Meet me at the hotel gate where you picked me up yesterday.(正确)

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  • 邹德浩   提出于 2017-06-20 18:25
