2 man和woman为什么既不用复数也不用冠词

Man and woman were created equal. 男人和女人生来就是平等的。

这个句子有点奇怪,句子中的 man, woman 既用的是单数,而且前面也没有冠词。


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最佳答案 2017-06-11 23:50


A man has a duty to earn money for his family. 男人有挣钱养家的责任。

She is a woman after my own heart. 她真是个合乎我心意的女子。


She believes that the union (= marriage) of man and woman in holy matrimony is for ever. 她相信男女之间的结合永远是神圣的。

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. 一个女人没有男人好比一条鱼没有自行车。(过去女权运动的笑话)

Women ask for equal pay because they work as hard as men. 妇女要求与男人同酬,因为她们和男人一样努力干活。


How did Man first discover fire? 人类最初是怎样发现火的?

Man must stop polluting the earth’s atmosphere. 人类必须停止污染地球的大气层。

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  • 1 收藏,5192 浏览
  • 杨小华   提出于 2017-06-11 10:34
