1 时代周刊原句的has是否换成as

In an assessment leaked to the press on Monday, the IMF figured that in 2020, Greece might end up with the same level of debt is has today.

参考译文:IMF 周一透露给媒体的一份评估中预测,到2020年希腊的债务水平可能只会降到目前水平。

句子出自《时代周刊》2012年2月21日 Can a Second Bailout Save Greece?  

请问老师,句中 has 是不是应该是 as?作者写错了吗?(我在网络上核对过此句的确是has,老师也可百度搜索原句。)谢谢老师耐心解答。

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最佳答案 2017-06-08 08:17

Greece might end up with the same level of debt is has today.


Greece might end up with the same level of debt (that)it has today.

it has today为定语从句省略了做宾语的关系代词that。it指Greece。

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  • 王雨潭 提出于 2017-06-07 21:52
