
When it comes to like a family and a gene perspective, it's possible that within your family there might be multiple men who end up at a later age dealing with blood pressure issues, but also deal with either a heart murmur or heart arrhythmia.


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最佳答案 2017-06-02 19:36

end up是个短语动词,不及物。可以后接介词短语作地点状语、方式状语等。也就是说后接状语性结构。end up doing sth.通常理解为end up by doing sth省略了介词宾语。这种理解的结果就是动名词现在作了方式状语。我们知道动名词是不能作状语的。那么为什么这里的介词可以省略,而其它场合却很少可以随便省略介词呢。也许是因为这里是状语的位置,而现在分词可以作状语,就直接用现在分词了。另外,分词可以做方式状语。end up和doing在时间上具有重合点,主语是doing的动作发出者,这都符合使用现在分词的场合。也许因为现在分词可以用在这样的场合才省略了介词by。这样的解释属于猜测,也许有一定的道理。如果真是这样的话,就可以避免动名词作状语这种与传统语法相悖的解释。也就是说如果句式为end up by doing sth. 就解释为介词by加动名词作方式状语。如果是end up doing sth,就解释为现在分词作方式状语。

以上纯粹是个人观点,供参考。另外,这个句子没有违反平行原则。but also不一定非得要和not only连用。but为并列连词,deal with和end up并列。因为在逻辑上,高血压出现在晚年,而心脏杂音和心律不齐在年轻时就有。因此第二个deal with与end up并列,而不与dealing with并列才是符合逻辑的。(隐含的意思是,不但晚年会出现高血压,而且早年也会有心脏病。)

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其它 2 个回答

王汝涛   - 英语教师

dealing with blood pressure issues,为动名词做方式状语,end up (by) doing something 为英语习语,意思是“以做什么而告终”。by经常省略。例如:The party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束。but also deal with either a heart murmur or heart arrhythmia.和end up功能相同,做定语从句的并列谓语。

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陈才   - 英语教师

When it comes to like a family and a gene perspective, it's possible that within your family there might be multiple men who end up at a later age dealing with blood pressure issues, but also deal with either a heart murmur or heart arrhythmia.

第一种理解:前面dealing with blood pressure issues为现在分词后置定语,后面deal with either a heart murmur or heart arrhythmia动词原形end up为并列谓语

第二种理解,有人会认为是end up doing sth这个结构,但是我认为这种理解不妥当,因为后面有出现deal with动词原形结构,如果后也是dealing with,则可以按照end up doing 这个结构来理解。

end up = 以…结束; 最终成为变得; 最后处于;最后发展成为


(1)end up +形容词 以某种状态结束

If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.


(2)end up doing sth 以做某事而结束

You could end up running this company if you play your cards right.

The party ended up with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.

All our best intentions end up doing nothing.  


(3)end up +介词短语(in/with/as)

A: end up in 侧重于以某种结果结束

Wasteful people usually end up in debt.

If you keep doing so, you'll end up in hospital. 


If you persist in doing that you will end up in trouble. 


B:end up with 侧重于以某种方式结束

The meeting ended up with a song.


The weakest students can end up with a negative score.  


They could end up with a 50-point winning margin.  


C:end up as 侧重于以某种身份/结局结束

He will end up as president someday.  


Tears and smiles all end up as laughing stocks.  


They have managed to end up as partners in their new business.  


If we reuse something, it will not end up as waste.  

如果我们重复使用一件东西, 最终它就不会成为废物.

A banking - turned - sovereign debt crisis could yet end up as anotherbanking crisis.  


下面句子就属于:end up doing sth结构进行理解

When it comes to like a family and a gene perspective, it's possible that within your family there might be multiple men who end up at a later age dealing with blood pressure issues, but also dealing with either a heart murmur or heart arrhythmia.

=When it comes to like a family and a gene perspective, it's possible that within your family there might be multiple men who end up dealing with blood pressure issues at a later age, but also (end up省略了 )dealing with either a heart murmur or heart arrhythmia.

以上2个动名词属于平行,并列作end up doing sth ,but also doing sth, 英语讲解对称和平行。

(1) end up dealing with blood pressure issues at a later age(而且前面省略not only...与后半句but also..形成对称)

(2)(end up省略了 )dealing with either a heart murmur or heart arrhythmia.



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  • beginner 提出于 2017-06-02 13:08
