
He promised (that) he would help us in the work. 他答应帮助我们进行这项工作。
She promised that she would write every week. 她答应过会每周写信的。
I promise I’ll pay you back, on my honour. 我以人格担保,一定把钱还给你。
I promised him that you would do the work. Why did you let me down by doing so little? 我答应他说你会做这工作的。你为什么干得这么少而让我失望呢?

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最佳答案 2014-09-23 07:43


She promised faithfully that shewould come. 她信誓旦旦地答应会来。

shepromised she would curb her temper. 她答应会控制住自己的脾气。

Promise me you will not waste your time. 答应我,不要浪费自己的时间。

He promisedher that nothing would pass his lips before dinner. 他向她保证晚饭前绝不吃东西。

The PrimeMinister has promised that Israelwill play a constructive role. 首相承诺以色列将发挥积极的作用。

He promised thatwithin 100 days he would put the country on the path to economic recovery. 他许诺在100天内让国家走上经济复兴之路。


He promised he was through with drugs. 他答应不再吸毒了。(《牛津短语动词词典》)

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)
promise后的宾语从句通常用将来时态,也可以用“should + 动词原形”。例如:He promised that the roof should be repaired within two days . (张道真主编《现代英语用法词典》修订版 p.1139)
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  • 黄力松   提出于 2014-09-10 11:26
