复合形容词towering and transparent tent-shaped例子分析

The celebrated British architect is responsible for Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre -- a towering and transparent tent-shaped structure that opened in 2010 and lights up in neon at night.

复合形容词 towering and transparent tent-shaped 里,transparent 和 tent-shaped 之间为什么没有联字符?谢谢老师的解答。

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最佳答案 2017-06-01 09:57

在 a towering and transparent tent-shaped structure 中,towering 和 transparent 本来就是形容词:towering 高耸的;transparent 透明的。它们无需用连字符。

tent-shaped 意思是“帐篷形的”,有连字符,-shaped 意思是“……形的”。又如:

deep V-shaped valleys V字形深谷

an X-shaped cross 一个X形十字架

an oval-shaped box 椭圆形的盒子

an L-shaped living room  L 形的起居室

an oriental crescent-shaped sword 东方弦月状的剑

His figure is somewhat pear-shaped. 他的体形有点像梨。

Pour the chocolate into a heart-shaped mould. 将巧克力倒入心形模子。

The chocolates are egg-shaped and full of nuts. 这些巧克力呈卵形,里面全是坚果。

The eye first appears as a cup-shaped outgrowth from the brain. 眼睛开始是从大脑长出,呈杯状。

句意:The celebrated British architect is responsible for Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre -- a towering and transparent tent-shaped structure that opened in 2010 and lights up in neon at night.

这位著名英国建筑师负责设计Khan Shatyr娱乐中心——这是一座高耸且透明的帐篷形建筑物——于2010年开放,晚上会有霓虹灯亮起。

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