another matter真的是语法错误吗

All natural languages seem to distinguish at the semantic level between count nouns (CNs) and mass nouns (MNs). Some natural languages, like English, mark the distinction at the syntactic level. Prototypical of CNs is ‘dog’ and of MNs is ‘matter’. One syntactic difference is that usually CNs take the plural (‘dogs’) whereas MNs do not. Other syntactic distinctions relate to the determiners and quantifiers. One can say a dog, another dog, many dogs, two dogs, etc.; one cannot correctly say *a matter, *another matter, *many matter, *two matter, etc.

请问:(1)mass nouns等于uncountable nouns吗?(2)another matter真的是语法错误吗?

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最佳答案 2017-06-17 20:54

这段内容是用英语讲述可数名词与物质名词之间的区别(意义上和句法上)。可数名词以狗dog 为例,物质名词以 matter(物质)为例。句法上,可数名词有复数,物质名词没有复数。在限定词的使用上也有区别,如 a, another, many, two 等可用于可数名词,但不能和物质名词连用。


matter有很多意思,本段举例的matter是“物质”这个意思。在这个意义上,matter 是不可数的,因此 another matter(另一个物质)是错误的。但“另一回事”可以是 another matter。

其实要是作者不要用 matter 为例,而用 carbon(碳)为例,你就不会产生这种疑虑了。可能作者想用 matter 来代表所有的物质吧。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师


another matter =另一码事;另一回事;不同情形

Being responsible for one's own health is one thing, but being responsible for another person's health is quite a different matter.


You have no business going into such places all by yourselves. If your parents take you, of course, that's another matter


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  • 王钊 提出于 2017-05-18 14:37
