关于for there to be的问题

It's a pity for there to be any disagreement in the family.

上文中的for there to be是不定式there to be用在介词for后面,还是由for引出不定式to be的逻辑主语there,两种情况属于哪一种?谢谢老师的回答。

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最佳答案 2017-05-08 11:13

there to be...是there be...的非谓语形式。there be的非谓语形式有两种:一种是there to be,另一种是there being。

1. there to be可用作少数几个动词的宾语,常见的有like, hate, prefer, mean, intend, want, expect, wish等等。如:

I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. 我可不希望有任何误解。

2. there being可用作主语,也常用在跟动名词的动词(deny, appreciate, mind, imagine, admit等)后作宾语。如:

There being no money is a painful thing to him. 没有钱对他来说是很不好受的。

She denied there being misunderstanding between them. 她否认她们之间存在误会。

3. there being可用作介词宾语,但在介词for之后要用there to be。对照:

No one told him about there being a meeting that afternoon. 没人通知他那天下午有个会。

It's impossible for there to be a happier family. 不可能有比这个家庭更幸福的家庭了。

4. there being还可构成独立主格结构,在句中作状语。如:

There being no one to help me, I had to do it all alone. 因为没有人帮助我,我不得不独立完成这项工作。



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  • beginner 提出于 2017-05-08 08:50
