
It was scheduled to be played this weekend.

this weekend 是介词短语吗,介词短语可以省略介词吗?谢谢老师的回答。

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最佳答案 2017-04-27 07:25

this week 不是介词短语,而是名词短语,但它在此具有副词性质,在句中用作状语(表时间)。其前并没有省略介词。像 this week, this year, this month, this morning, this evening, this afternoon 这类名词短语,通常都是直接用作状语(其前不用介词的)。如:

The company made a fat profit this year. 公司今年获利丰厚。

My birthday is on a Friday this year. 今年我的生日是在一个星期五。

Did you remember to take your pills this morning? 你今天早上记得服约了吗?

Peggy dropped by the office this afternoon. 佩吉今天下午顺路来了一下办公室。

但也不是说绝对不能用介词,若语义需要,也可以用 until, after, during 之类的介词。如:

Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed. 到本周为止,一切严格执法的努力都失败了。

Orders had come from on high that extra care was to be taken during this week. 上头传来话说这个星期要格外小心。

I asked the shop to hold the dress for me until this afternoon. 我要那家商店帮我把那件衣服留到今天下午。

Until this evening I had never so much as exchanged a word with him. 在今天晚上之前,我甚至连一句话都没跟他说过。

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  • beginner 提出于 2017-04-27 06:51
