as it is 是状语从句还是宾语补足语从句

We should keep the site as it is.

这句话中的 as it is 是状语从句还是宾语补足语从句?

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最佳答案 2017-04-12 17:04

“leave + 宾语”后面也可以接宾语补足语从句。例如:

Leave it as it is.(把它)维持原状好了。


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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

在英语中,确实存在着“宾语补足语从句”这个现象,这属于名词性从句的一种。但语法书为什么没有把它列入名词性从句当中,而是只划分了4 种从句:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句呢?我认为,可能有两个原因:

1. 语法书确实忽视了这个语法现象。

2. 因为“宾语补足语从句”的引导词,仅限于几个“复合连接代词”(也叫“复合关系代词”),如:what, whatever, who, whoever, as 等。而为数众多的能够引导其他4种名词性从句的引导词,却不能引导“宾语补足语从句”。所以,就没有单独把这种从句列出来。


She has made painting what she likes best. 她使绘画成为她的最爱。

You will call it what you like. 你喜欢叫它什么就叫什么。

I consider this dictionary what is the most useful to my English study. 我认为这部词典是对我的英语学习最有用的(东西)。

The thinkers, writers, artists, leaders, soldiers, inventors have made this country what it is. 这些思想家、作家、艺术家和发明家们成就了这个国家。

The teacher has made Tom what he is. 老师使汤姆成为现在的样子。

It was like seeing him as he used to look before his heart trouble. 就像看到他患心脏病前的那个样子。/ 他看上去和患病前没有两样。


as it is 是否看作“宾语补足语从句”,取决于keep 能否接as 引导的宾语补足语。就像,那样的结构。

▲ 我更倾向于把as it is 看作“方式状语”,修饰谓语动词keep,说明“保护”的方式。理由如下:

1. keep 在本句的意思是“保护”(preserve),而不是“使...处于某种状态”(此用法才接复合宾语。例如:keep the machine running, keep it a secret)

2. 在as it is中,is 的含义相当于exists。We should keep the site as it is. 的句意是:我们应当按现存的样子保护遗址。

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陈才   - 英语教师

We should keep the site as it is.

这句话中的 as it is 是状语从句还是宾语补足语从句?

以上为连词as 引导的方式状语从句“意思为按照现状/照现在的样子”

(用法1)as it is一般用在句末位于句末,意思是“照现在这个样子”、“照原来这个样子”, 此时it在句指代作用,指前面提到的某具体事物。

 Be that as it may, I'll leave it as it is.

 无论如何我们也只能听其自然。(as it is 中 it 指前面的 it)

 Leave the table as it isDo not disturb the things on it.  

 那桌子就那样吧,不要动上面的东西。(it 指 the table)

Tell me what has happened as it is; don't beat about the bush.  

(it 指 what)

如实告诉我究竟怎么了, 不要兜圈子。

Leave it as it is.  


I have to leave it as it is.

Be that as it may, I'll leave it as it is.

(用法2)(第2个用法:相当于插入语/评论性状语)as it is 实际上; 既然如此(等于in fact, as  matter of fact)

I thought he would get better. As it is, he is getting worse.

As it is, we can hardly get to the station by 6 o'clock.

I though things would get batter, but as it is they are getting worse.


If I had known what to do, everything would have been all right. As it was everything wnet wrong.


Don’t blame them for it. As it was,they did help us.


No one believed it,but as it was Tom did get an A on his book report.


As it is,we need to improve the equipment in our factory righ now.


I thought I might be transferred,but as it is I shall have to look for a new



特别备注: 如果是复数事物则需用 as they are/were。

 Don’t conceal anything from me; just state the facts as they are.

 不要对我有任何隐瞒,就按事实陈述。(they 指 facts)

 Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.  

 智慧就是迅速看出事物本来面目的能力。(they 指 things)


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  • 曹荣禄   提出于 2017-04-08 19:17
