no more...than的另一种翻译(一般我们都知道是“与什么一样不”)

请帮我解释一下这里面英语翻译 no more..than...

Surely there is no more commanding moral imperative for people in the west than to urge each other, and their governments, to bring relief to the world’s poorest. 

这里的 no more ...than... 为什么不翻译成“不..也不...”,难道英语里面No more ...than...是看情景随机翻译得吗?


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最佳答案 2018-09-15 13:59

请帮我解释一下这里面英语翻译 no more..than...

Surely there is no more commanding moral imperative for people in the west than to urge each other, and their governments, to bring relief to the world’s poorest. 


我跟Expert 的理解和翻译都有所不同。我认为:


【讲解】下面,我用简易的例句,讲解no more..than... 结构的用法,达到举一反三的目的。

He is no more diligent than I am.


“no + 比较级 + than”也是一种比较结构。这种结构表示“比较的两个事物被全部否定”。注意“no +比较级”分两种拼写情况:

① no taller than... 少音节的形容词副词后加-er,注意:不可出现no more tall than 或者 no more taller than 的情况。例如:

This room is no bigger than that. 这个房间与那间都不大。

His grammar is no better than mine.  他的语法同我的一样不好。

He is no taller than I. 他和我一样个子都不高。

② no more beatiful than... 多音节的形容词副词前加more,例如:

He is no more hard working than she is.他跟她一样都不用功。

Tom was no more surprised than (he was) disappointed at this news.  汤姆听见那消息既不惊讶也不失望。

He is no more considerate of others than his brother is.  他不体谅别人,就跟他弟弟一样。


She is no less hard working than he is.他跟她一样都很用功。

He is no less clever than his elder brother.  他和他的大哥一样聪明。

She is no less good at swimming than Mary.  她和玛丽一样擅长游泳。

【注意】分析的句子中,dilligent 是个多音节词,故之前加more。如果是少音节词,如big, hot, fast, tall 等,则直接加-er。

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其它 2 个回答


expert老师列举了no more...than...在两种句型的不同含义,我稍作补充及说明:

句型1 There is no more + adj. + n + for sb. than to do sth. 

There is no + n + more adj + for sb. than to do sth.

no more...than...用于there be存在句,意为“不存在比...更...的。”因而实际表示的是最高级的意义:“...是最...的”。

如:There is no more important thing for a student than to study hard.

= There is nothing more important for a student than to study hard.

= To study hard is the most important thing for a student.



句型2 A is no more + adj than B (is)

=neither A nor B is adj. A和B都不...。

=A is as +反义的adj as B. A和B都(反义形容词)

如:Tom is no taller than John.= Tom is as short as John. 两人都不高。两人一样矮个。

no more...than...表示“两者都不。。。”或“既不。。。也不。。。”的意思,不仅仅限于主系表结构。如:

Tom runs no faster than I (do)= Tom runs as slowly as I (do).

Tom dances no better than I sing. 汤姆跳舞差劲,我唱歌也不行。

teacher老师所作的解释和所举例句都属于上述第二种句型。如果不结合问题句,无疑是正确的。但恰好问题句是个there be存在句。结合句型和上下文逻辑,我赞同expert老师的解答和翻译(虽然字词有润色的空间),即按最高级来理解并翻译该句。

表面上看,there be句型中的no more...than结构和其它句型中的no more...than很相似,但其实这是there be存在句的否定形式:there be something, there be no something. 这里中位限定词no是there be句型的名词否定形式,和比较级没有直接关系。如果主语前碰巧有形容词修饰而且该形容词为比较级并带有比较状语从句,则与no more...than这种固定结构在形式上一样了。但形容词比较级被than从句修饰构成形容词短语则可以移至名词之后作后置定语,而no却必须保留在名词前位置,这足以说明它们是完全不同的的结构。如:

There is no longer river than Yangtze in China. 中国没有比长江更长的河流。

=There is no river longer than Yangte in China.长江是中国最长的河流。

there be句型中no是中位限定词(即有些词典中所说的的形容词), 否定名词;而no more...than...固定结构中的no是副词,否定比较级。两个no的作用是不同的。

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陈才   - 英语教师

请帮我解释一下这里面英语翻译 no more..than...

Surely there is no more commanding moral imperative for people in the west than to urge each other, and their governments, to bring relief to the world’s poorest. 

这里的 no more ...than... 为什么不翻译成“不..也不...”,难道英语里面No more ...than...是看情景随机翻译得吗?



句子结构为:There is no more +形容词+名词for sb than to do sth(A) and sb to do sth(2)

=There is no +名词+more +形容词+for sb than to do sth(A) and sb to do sth(2)(蓝色字体看作后置定语修饰前面的名词,more +形容词构成比较级

例如:There is no travelling way quicker for people in the world than to travel by plane.

=There is no travelling way which is quicker for people in the world than to travel by plane

=There is no quicker travelling way for people in the world than to travel by plane.



特备注意:和A +be+ no more +形容词+than的区别而且体现出表达意思不同。

Tom is no more clever than Jack.

=Neither Tom nor Jack is clever.


Mary is no more beautiful than Lily.

=Neither Mary nor Lily is beautiful.




(1)imperative 必须的,必须做的事,原则(常见的是形容词性,但是这里是名词表示必须做的事)

(2)commanding 急迫的,紧迫的

(3)vt.urge 敦促

(4)n. relief 援助

【句子主干】there is no more commanding moral imperative 

【其他成分】for people in the west 状语;than to urge each other, and their governments, to bring relief to the world’s poorest 状语。 



moral imperative  和 to urge each other, and their governments, to bring relief to the world’s poorest;

比较内容为:commanding 急迫的; 

比较结果为:to urge each other, and their governments, to bring relief to the world’s poorest 最为急 迫.

【难点解析】确定出比较的三要素是这个句子理解的 难点,加上 no 以后就确定出 than 之后的内容是最高 级。


【参考译文1】毫无疑问,对西方人来说,没有什么道 德标准要比相互督促和督促国家给世界上最穷困的地 区带来救助更重要的了。

【参考译文2】毫无疑问,对西方人来说相互督促和督促国家给 世界上最穷困的地区带去救助是最重要的道德原则。

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