
For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.


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最佳答案 2018-01-19 17:36

For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.

1. 该句的特点是:为了句子匀称,打乱了正常的词序排列。

2. 句子的核心结构为:I give sth. to sb.

但是,我认为,该句表述累赘而且重复,实际是个病句。错误在于,它破坏了I give sth. to sb. 结构,结果变成了For sb. I give sth. to sb.

3. whichever of you has for me the most devotion,这虽然是个名词性从句,但它表达的是一个“人”,而不是“事件”。也就是说,for whichever of you has for me the most devotion,实际是for sb.

我们能说这样累赘的句子吗:For her I will give the book to her.

4. 改正办法:把句首的For 改为To,把句中的to her 删掉。

To whichever of you has the most devotion for me I will give the best part of everything I own.

改正后的句子,是把 I give sth. to sb. 中的to sb.提前。正常语序为:

I will give the best part of everything I own to whichever of you has the most devotion for me. 



I'll give the book to whoever (whichever of you)is interested in economics.



For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.

我重新思考了这个问题。假定这句话是对的,那么,句首的For 在本句中是一个“提供理由的连词”,说明上文中提出了一个“结果”,下文用连词For 提供一个“理由”。如果是这样的话,For不是介词,而是一个承上启下的连词,在分析时去掉即可。那么,句子就成了一个含有让步状语从句的复合句:

Whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own. 分析如下:

Whichever of you has for me the most devotion (让步状语从句)

I will give to her the best part of everything I own. (主句)



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陈才   - 英语教师

For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.




(1) 介词for +宾语从句,表示原因(介词宾语从句,whichever为引导宾语从句连接代词。)

(2)主句:I will give it her the best part of everything I own.(表示结果)

For whichever of you has for me the most devotion

=for whichever of you has the most devotion for me.

 whichever作为连接代词“无论哪一个;不管哪一个”可以用来指物,还可以用来指人,并可和介词of连用,whichever of.结构。

 Whichever you want is yours.


Choose whichever of them you like best.


I will give it to whichever of you wants it.



For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.

=whichever of you has for me the most devotion, I will give  the best part of everything I own.

=to whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give  her the best part of everything I own

= I will give  the best part of everything I own  to whichever of you/whoever has for me the most devotion


The king’s throne room. Enter King Lear; the king’s daughters: Goneril, Regan and Cordelia; the Dukes of Albany and Coneril’s and Regan’s husband; and the Duke of Kent, a loyal friend of the king.


LEAR :My dear daughters, I am growing old and tired. The burden of government sits

heavily on my shoulders. I have decided to retire and hand over the heavy load of

responsibility to you three. See, here is a map of my kingdom with all the

boundaries drawn on it. I have divided the kingdom into three parts, and allocated

one part to each of you. Now tell me, my dears, which of you love me the most?

For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own. Goneril, what do you say?


GONERIL: Sir, I do not have the words to express the depth of my devotion. I love you more

than all the riches in the world, more than my freedom, more even than my own

eyesight. In fact, I love you more life itself.

LEAR: (showing his daughter the map) My darling girl. You and your husband Albany

shall have this part of my kingdom with all its rivers and forests and mountains.

And your children shall own it after you. Now Regan, it is you turn. What have

you got to say to me?

REGAN: In expressing her love for you, my sister has also expressed mine. Yet I love you

even more than words can say. I adore you more than anything else in the whole

world. My greatest happiness is in loving you.

LEAR: To you and your husband Cornwall and to your future children, I give this part of

my kingdom (showing them on the map). This part is equal in value to what I give

to Goneril. Now my darling, my favoriate, my Cordelia. What have you to say to

delight an old man and earn the best part of his kingdom?

CORDELIA: Nothing, my father.


LEAR: Nothing? You’ll get nothing for nothing. I pray you, speak.

such fancy words. I love you as it is right and proper for a daughter to love her

father, neither less nor more.

LEAR: Try harder, Cordelia, or you may lose your share of the kingdom.

In return I love, honor and obey you. I do not understand why they ever got

The book is the nourishment in the whole world.-Shakespeare CORDELIA: My dear father, you brought me into this world, you cared for me and loved me. CORDELIA: Nothing. CORDELIA: I’m sorry but I’m not as clever as my sisters. I cannot describe my feelings with

married. You see, when I marry, it will be my duty to give half my love to my



LEAR: You truly mean what you say? So young and so hard-hearted. Well, then. Let truth be your reward. You are no longer my daughter but a stranger to my heart. But sir--- Be quiet,Kent. Do not come between me and my anger. She was my favourite

daughter. With her I hoped to spend my old age. But that is never going to happen

now. You, servant! Go and find the King of France and the Duke of Burgundy.

We’ll see if either wants to be a bridegroom when she has no riches to bring to

the marriage. Goneril, Regan, I shall distribute my kingdom between the two of

you. I shall take nothing for myself except a troop of one hundred of my most

loyal soldiers to care for and protect me. And as I have no third-born daughter, I

will spend my days with you two- a month with one and then a month with the



KENT: But, sir, I beg you --- Do not contradict me. It is done. But sir, please hear me out. I speak on behalf of Cordelia. I have served you for

many years and you know that I have always honored by you as my king and

loved you as a father, but I believe you are being influenced by false flattery.

Cordelia’s devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question.


KENT:Kent, if you value your life, say no more. I have to speak out, my Lord. I would rather lose my life than see you make such

a mistake. You do wrong to cause friction between yourself and your daughter. I

forecast that such actions will cause great conflict throughout your kingdom.

LEAR: How dare you oppose me. Get out of my sight. Pack up your things and be gone

from my kingdom. If you have not passed beyond my frontiers within five days, I

will have you killed.

CORDELIA: Yes, Your Majesty. COREDLIA: So young and so truthful, my Lord.

The book is the nourishment in the whole world.-Shakespeare

NARRATOR: As soon as Goneril has got all she can from her father, she begins treating him LEAR:


GONERIL:disrespectfully. When Lear wants to speak to her, Goneril tells her servant, Oswald, to say she is sick. She encourages her staff to be disrespectful towards Lear and begins complaining about the hundred soldiers Lear has brought with him. However, King Lear soon has a friend by his side. The Duke of Kent, who Lear ordered to leaveBritain, cannot abandon his king. He therefore comes to Lear disguised as a servant called Caius and asks for a job. (Enter Lear, several of Lear’s soldiers andKentdisguised as a servant.) OK, Caius, I’ll give you a trial. And if you prove to be good at your job, I’ll keep you on as my servant. (Oswald enters.) Hey, you there. Where’s my daughter? (Oswald ignores the king and hurries out of the room.) Hey. What’s going on? Call him back. Is he deaf? (A soldier rushes out after Oswald.) It’s as though the whole world has gone to sleep. (Soldier reenters.) Where’s that servant? Why didn’t he come back when I called? Sir, he answered me very rudely and said he would not come back. I don’t believe it! Sir, I am sorry, to tell you this, but it seems to me that you are not being treated with the respect due to a king. Everyone here, including your daughter, is behaving very coldly towards you. Mmm. I suspected the same, but I kept telling myself it was my imagination. Please tell my daughter I wish to speak with her. (Soldier bows and leaves. Oswald enters.) Ah, come here my man and answer me. Who am I? My lady’s father. Your lady’s father? Is that all I am to you, you dog, you slave! (Lear raises his arm as though to strike Oswald.) I’ll not be hit, my Lord. (Kent kicks Oswald’s feet out from under him.) And you won’t be laid flat on your back either, I suppose. Now get up and get out of here. (Oswald leaves.) My thanks, Caius. I can see you will be a most valuable servant. (Enter Goneril.) What’s up, daughter? You always seem to be frowning lately. Is it any wonder that I frown when your soldiers are continually drinking and fighting? I thought when I told you about their behaviour you would make them behave, but now I hear you have insulted Oswald. I do believe you are encouraging your soldiers in their bad behaviour. Is this my daughter scolding me? I have had enough of your soldiers. They are expensive to keep and you don’t

need them. Besides, their drunken behaviour and bad manners are disgusting. You

The book is the nourishment in the whole world.-Shakespeare

will send half of them away. And unless you want me to get rid of the rest of them

too, I suggest you teach them how to behave properly.

LEAR: That’s a lie. My soldiers are good men who know how to behave properly. I

won’t stay here be insulted. I still have one more daughter. She’ll scratch out your

eyes when she hears how you’ve treated me. Men! Get my horses ready and

collect my baggage. I’ll leave immediately. I won’t stay where I’m not welcome.

(Lear and companions leave.)

NARRATOR: Lear sendsKenton ahead to the castle of his other daughter, Regan, to tell her

that he will soon be arriving. Goneril sends her servant Oswald to Regan to tell

her side of the story.

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