2 change for worse与change for the worse的用法

有个短语是 change for the worse,不明白这里为什么要用定冠词。

请问这里的定冠词可以省略吗?比如说成 change for worse。谢谢!

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最佳答案 2017-03-24 20:39

▲change for the worse 是习语(意思是:变坏,恶化,向坏的方向发展),其中必须有the。这里的 change 可以是动词或名词。如:

The weather changed for the worse. 天气恶化了。

It looks like the weather is changing for the worse. 看上去天气似乎正变得越来越糟。

There has been a change for the worse in the patient’s condition. 病人的情况更加恶化了。

The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse. 祖父母叹着气然后说事情是如何变得更糟糕的。

For most ordinary workers, the new tax laws represent a change for the worse. 对于大多数普通工人来说,新税法代表着负担增加。

▲补充:与 change for the worse 大致同义的还有 take a turn for the worse (也要用 the)。如:

I’m afraid there’s been a turn for the worse. 恐怕事情已经糟了。

The weather is taking a turn for the worse, I’m afraid. 我看,怕是要变天了。

I’m afraid Grandma has taken a turn for the worse. 我担心奶奶的病情已经恶化。

Two days after the operation, Dad took a turn for the worse. 手术两天后,爸爸的病情恶化了。

▲注意习语for better or for worse(=不管怎样,无论如何)没有the。如:

I’ve decided, for better or for worse, to leave my job. 我已经决定了,无论如何都要辞职。

Anyway, for better or for worse, I followed her advice. 不管结果会怎样,我还是听从了她的建议。

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其它 3 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

有个短语是 change for the worse,不明白这里为什么要用定冠词。


【答】不可以省略。至于为什么用定冠词,是因为worse是形容词(bad的比较级形式),不能作介词for的宾语;而the worse是“the +形容词”结构,表示类别的“名词概念”:这类事物或人。

for the worse 意思是“向坏的方面转化等;恶化”。同理,for the better 则表示“向着好的情况转变;好转,改善”。

【特别提示】你的问题是:“不明白这里为什么要用定冠词”。——如果只是说“这是习惯用法”,恐怕你会不满意的。至于为何可以说for better or for worse(“向好还是向坏”,即“无论如何,不管怎样”),这实际是省略了冠词。在成双成对的词语中(尤其是相对意思的两个词语),不用冠词是一种省略现象。当两个词义有关联的可数名词用在一起时,为了表达上的简练,可以省缺冠词。这个现象应该看作一种语言规律,而不是个例。这不仅限于better和 worse,可以延伸到更广的词语范围。例如:夫妻,父子,母女,上下,左右,头尾,早晚,等等。现举例如下:

husband and wife  夫妇  

father and son  父子

mother and daughter  母女

master and servant  主仆

from door to door  挨家挨户 

from morning till night  从早到晚  

from beginning to end  自始至终

Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.夫妇俩在各自所选择的事业上都很成功。

Father and son work in the same company. 爷儿俩在同一个公司工作。


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王汝涛   - 英语教师

    change for the worse 是英语习惯说法,the 不省略。当然英语里也有 for worse 的用法,如习语for better or (for) worse, 意思是不管情况如何,这里却不能用定冠词。例句: For better or worse, he trusts everyone.

    我记得西方基督徒结婚誓言里就有这种说法,for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.

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陈才   - 英语教师

(1)for the worse 向坏的方面发展,恶化,更坏

The patient's condition changed for the worse.  


 There is a change for the worse in the weather today.  今天天气会转坏.

 Big change in companies is mostly for the worse.  


This storm is certainly a change for the worse.  


 The first kind is a change for the worse.  


The patient suddenly took a turn for the worse.  



(2)for better for worse不管是好是坏, 不管结果如何

They are neighbours, for better or for worse.  


 He resolved to take her for better or for worse.  


 He promised to take her for better or for worse.  


 They have taken each other for better or for worse.  


Now was the time to make a run for it , for better for worse!  

逃吧! 不管是吉是凶,逃!

 For better or for worse, the weekend had started.  

不管好坏, 一周已经开始.

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  • 陈书国   提出于 2017-03-20 11:10
