be able to do等这些看成什么词?固定搭配?属于形容词短语吗?

The white kitten had been unable to do anything for the last quarter of an hour

The white kitten had been unable看成主系表,to do anything作目的状语,for后面时间状语?这样可以吗?

主系表+to do. to do 一般都系目的状语吗?

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最佳答案 2017-03-12 17:43

根据现代英语语法的观点,我认为,“be + 形容词 + do sth.”这种结构,可以分为多种类型。其中,有一种叫做“合成谓语”结构,这类结构往往表示“判断、趋向、能愿”等概念。你的句子就属于这一类。

一、“判断、趋向类”的形容词,如:sure, certain, likely, ready, apt等,之后接不定式。表示说话人(不是句子的主语)对句子主语做某事的可能性判断:一定做某事,肯定做某事,可能做某事,倾向做某事等。这类句子最好不要细分,把“be + 形容词 + to do” 当作一个整体看待。例如:

This weekend is certain to be enjoyable. 这个周末一定很有意思。

She is sure to pass the examination. 她一定会通过考试。

His health is likely to get worse. 他的健康可能会恶化。

The potatoes are ready to be dug up. 快要收获土豆了。

He is apt to get excited over trifles. 他容易为小事而激动。

二、“能愿”类的形容词,如:able, unable, willing, unwilling等,表示主语能否、愿否做某事。例如:

I am not really willing to spend an evening there. 我其实不愿在那儿消磨一夜晚。

Are you able to sit through the play? 你能耐着性子看完戏吗?

The white kitten had been unable to do anything for the last quarter of an hour.



He was frightened to see the tiger coming over.

此句,不定式to see the tiger coming over作原因状语,英语中也存在着大量的这类句子。

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  • ruiqiang 提出于 2017-03-12 10:39
