▲应该是要用不定冠词的:比如《朗文高级英语词典》在 lifetime 词条就用黑体字列出了这样一条搭配:the chance / experience etc of a lifetime 千载难逢(终生难得)的机遇/经历等。同时该词典还给了一个例句:
It was the holiday of a lifetime. 这样的假期终生难得。
It’s hard to change the habits of a lifetime. 积习难改。
It was the holiday of a lifetime! 这是一生中最快乐的假期!
It’s a chance of a lifetime. Don’t miss it. 这是一生难逢的机会,别放过。
Parachuting will give you the rush of a lifetime. 跳伞给你一生难求的刺激感觉。
This could be not just the trip of a lifetime but the experience of a lifetime. 这可能不仅是一趟终生难遇的旅行,也将是一次终生难遇的体验。