6 many of which与of which many引导非限制性定语从句

下面哪句对? 或是两句都对?

He has a lot of books, many of which are about African Americans.

He has a lot of books, of which many are about African Americans.

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最佳答案 2017-08-25 12:22


1. 共有500名乘客,其中有121名溺弊。

There were 500 passengers, 121 of whom drowned. 

There were 500 passengers, of whom 121 drowned. 

2. 我看见了3张折叠床,其中两张已有人占了。

I saw three camp beds, two of which were occupied. 

I saw three camp beds, of which two were occupied. 

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


在非限制性从句中,数量限定词(如some, any, none, all,both, several, enough, many 和 few)可以和 of whom, of which 及 of whose 连用。限定词大多放在 of which / whom / whose 前面,但在非正式文体中,有时候也可以放在其后面。

They picked up five boat-loads of refugees, some of whom had been at sea for several months. ( 或 ... of whom some ...) 他们救起了五船难民,其中有一些人已经在船上待了好几个月。


He has a lot of books, many of which are about African Americans. 

He has a lot of books, of which many are about African Americans.

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  • 毕德兴   提出于 2017-02-27 23:39
