
other,others 有何区别?谢谢!

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最佳答案 2018-09-04 07:17

1. other 的用法


(1) 用作形容词、限定词的例句

I can't find my other shoe. 我找不到另一只鞋了。

The other hotels are all full. 其他的旅馆都已住满了。

You'd better change into some other clothes. 你最好换别的衣服。

So he is a fraud, a common thief in other words. 所以他是个骗子,也就是说,是个惯偷。

(2) 用作代词的例句

One boat lowed the other. 一只船拖着另一只船。

This one coincides with the other. 这个同另一个完全一样。

One chemical interacts with the other. 一种化学成分与另一种化学成分发生反应。

I can’t tell the one from the other. 我不能把他们区分开来。

He was at one end of the hall and I was at the other. 他在大厅的一头, 我在另一头。

2. others 的用法


He’s devoted to helping others. 他致力于帮助他人。

Some television shows are better than others. 电视节目有些好,有些差。

They think that some people are better than others. 他们总认为一些人比另一些人好。

This car belongs to Smith, and he has two others besides. 这辆车是史密斯的,他另外还有两辆。

Some people are meat-eaters; others are vegetarians.  有些人是肉食者,有些人是素食者。

You must set an example for others by good behaviour. 你必须以良好的行为为别人树立榜样。

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    同意蒋老师的解答。不过,在他的解答中,“other只用作代词,不可用作形容词、限定词(即其后不能接名词),从意义上看,它只表示复数意义,不表示单数意义。”中的other 应该改为 others 。

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  • 高山 提出于 2017-02-21 14:30
