2 after class与after the class

Let’s meet at the school gate ______ class.

A. after class

B. after the class

答案是A,为什么不能选 B 呢?

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最佳答案 2017-04-18 13:33

我倾向于王老师惯用法的说法。刘老师认为是名词抽象用法,而且还举了很多例子,如by bus, he stood by the bus. They travelled on a red bus. 等。其实这些都属于惯用,和抽象不抽象无关。而且,stood by the bus 和by bus 没有可比性,不是一回事。一个是站在公交车旁,一个表示乘公交车。英语惯用是by +交通工具,不用冠词。如果用on, 要说on a/the bus. 这也是惯用。 还有play basketball 不用冠词,而play the piano 就用。难道篮球是抽象用法的,钢琴是具体用法?没有道理。何况名词抽象用法并不是每个名词都可以的。after class 也同样道理。


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其它 4 个回答

蒋红秀   - 英语教师

我的看法与English Expert 的有所不同。我认为,表示“下课后”时,用 after class 和 after the class 都可以,它们的区别仅仅在于前者比后者更普通,不存在特指与泛指的区别。比如以下句子(均来自原版词典),after class和after the class 都既可特指,也可表泛指:

They usually study with me after class. (韦氏) (after class表泛指)

The teacher told him to stay behind after class.(牛津)(after class表特指)

Feel free to ask me any questions after the class.(朗文)(after the class表泛指)

I’m going to the library straight after the class. (牛津) (after the class表特指)

值得注意的是,after class 与 after the class 的以上用法是个特例,其他的如 after school (放学后), after the meeting (散会后)等,要么有冠词,要么不用冠词,这都是表达习惯,不宜混用。

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王汝涛   - 英语教师

我比较认同English Expert的分析和例句。我觉得after class 是英语惯用,一般来说,class 前不用冠词。只有在说话人要很明确地表达具体什么课的情况下,才使用冠词。类似的有:in class 不用冠词。in an/the English class 这就要用冠词,因为明确特指。有些惯用是从来不用冠词的。如after school.

freeone老师举的使用了冠词的例句,如:Feel free to ask me any questions after the class.(朗文)(after the class表泛指)

I’m going to the library straight after the class. (牛津) (after the class表特指)

我猜想括号里的解释应该是您自己的理解,而不是字典的分析吧?我手头没有这些字典,无法考证。我觉得after the class 只用于特指含义。第一句,说话人是想表达本堂课结束后,你可以随意提问。如果不是想刻意表达特指,要用after class. after the this class.  第二句,也是指这堂课结束后,after the the class ends.

网友的问题,答案应该选A。因为这句话的重点是强调meet at the school gate, 不管你是什么class。

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

▲ 在after class 这个词组中,class 加不加冠词,并非“特指或泛指”的用法,归纳为“惯用法”也不恰当。其实,英语中绝大多数用法是有规律可循的。一般而言,“惯用法”是独立于“语法规则”之外的东西。语法规则属于事物的“共性”,而惯用法则属于事物的“个性”。如果把某些用法归结为“惯用法”,往往掩饰了事物的规律性,造成知识过于零散,不利于记忆。

我认为,class 的这种用法,属于“普通名词的抽象用法”。也就是说,该词在通常情况下,本来是可数的普通名词,但用了零冠词,却转换为抽象的语义。例如,我们常说的lose heart 和lose face 这两个短语。heart 本来是可数名词,意为“心;心脏”:Your heart is the organ in your chest that pumps the blood around your body. 在lose heart中,为何不加任何冠词或者物主代词呢?原来,这就是普通可数名词heart的抽象用法。If you lose heart, you become sad and depressed and are no longer interested in something. (lose heart失去信心;灰心,泄气)  


假如heart之前使用了冠词或者物主代词,如:lose a heart, lose the heart, lose his heart,那么就是它的具体意义,这时句子还能讲得通吗?此外,lose face这个词组,这里的face也不是指具体的“脸”,而是比喻抽象的“面子,尊严”。例如:

If Tom doesn’t keep his promise, he’ll lose face. 如果汤姆不信守诺言,他就会丢面子。


▲ 在英语学习中,我们经常还碰到go to school / go to the school, in church / in the church, sit at table / sit at the table, in office / in the office等诸如此类的词组(或句子),当然大家都知道它们的区别。语法书在讲冠词的时候,也都举一些类似的例子以示区别。但往往只说现象,不说理由(或只说是习惯用法)。

大家知道,可数名词在单数情况下,使用时前面应加冠词,若无冠词,则加其他限定词如my, his, Tom’s等,但在实际语言中,确实存在着许多可数名词用作抽象意义的现象。如:

He goes to school every day except Sunday. 除了星期天他每天都去上学。

He sometimes goes to the school to attend a teacher-parent meeting. 他有时候去学校参加家长会。


She went to church last Sunday. 她上周日都去做礼拜了。

She went to the church for a visit yesterday. 她昨天去参观了那所教堂。

The man stayed in prison for almost ten years. 那人蹲了接近10年监狱。

The man stayed in the prison for a night. 那人在监狱里过了一夜。

He went to bed very late last night. 他昨晚睡觉很晚。

He went to the bed to fetch his clothes. 他走向床边取衣服。

The whole family are sitting at table. 全家人正在吃饭。

The whole family sat at the table, chatting. 全家人坐在桌边聊天呢。

Mr. Brown is now out of office due to his old age. 因年龄原因,布朗先生现不在职了。(退休了)

Mr. Brown walked out of the office to get some hot water. 布朗先生走出办公室去取些热水。


in office 在职   in the office 在办公室里 

in class 在上课  in the class 在班级里/在那节课里  

in store 储备中,快要发生  in the store 在仓库 

live on farm 靠农业为生  live on the farm 居住在农场 

leave school 毕业,辍学  leave the school 离开学校 

还有,He was ill and had to lie in bed. 此句lie in bed不加冠词,意为“卧床不起”,也是强调了bed的用途属性,是抽象概念,不是指具体的某张床。如果指具体的某张床,则说:The man lay on the bed for a rest. on the bed指“在那张床上”。

交通工具也属这种用法,不加冠词表示“交通方式”,强调了交通工具的“用途属性”,例如:He came by bus. 他乘坐公交车来这儿。加了冠词表示具体的“车辆”,例如:He stood by the bus. They travelled on a red bus. 还有by bike, by car, by bus, by train, by ship, by plane, by boat等。

英语中,一些表示场所、地点的名词,如school, church, prison, office, table, bed等等,不加冠词一般表示抽象的“社会功能或用途属性”,加了冠词往往表示具体的“场所或位置”。

▲ 回到class的用法,指“一节课”、“那节课”、“他的课”时,class 是具体概念,之前要加限定词a, the, his(a class, the class, this class, his class);如果指“学习、上课”含义时,是抽象概念。例如,以下表达都是抽象意义:

Hand in your papers when class is over. 下课时,必须把试卷交上来。

She is so sick that she can not go to class. 她有病不能去上课。

She was kept in for an hour for talking in class. 她因上课说话被罚留校一小时。

When Herbert was young, he often made a face at class. 郝伯特小的时候,他常常上课做鬼脸。

After class, the teacher took Alice to one side. 下了课,老师把艾丽斯叫到一边。

You don't have to recite the text before class. 你不必在上课前背书。

关于问题中的句子,我认为选择after class 或after the class 都对。前者指抽象意义“下课后,放学后”;后者具体指“这节课后”。句子语境允许两者都可以存在。

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陈才   - 英语教师

Let’s meet at the school gate ______ class.

Let's meet at the school gate after class.


A. after class

B. after the class

答案是A,为什么不能选 B 呢?


(1)after class 属于泛指,下课后,表示非特指某一节课之后,属于一般性描述

I like listening to music after class.


He has made free with the reading room after class.  


Let's go home together after class ( is over ).  


What do you want to do after class?  


The teacher asked the students to read the text aloud after class.  


We have all kinds of activities after class.  


Only after class was he allowed to raise the question.  


 Do you to have a drink with me after class?  

下课之后和我一起去喝点什麽好 吗 ?

 After class we a meeting for half an hour.  


(2)after the class 属于特指,下课后,表示特指“在这/那节/堂课后”,即在the class特指某一堂具体的课,属于具体描述的情况。

I slept in a math class. After the class, I was punished by my math teacher.


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