
drunk 与 drunken 这两个词都可以用作形容词,意思是“喝醉的”,它们有哪些区别?

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最佳答案 2017-02-18 21:24

▲若表示“喝醉的”,drunk 主要用作表语,而 drunken 主要用作定语。如:

(1) drunk 的例子:

It would appear that the driver of the car was drunk. 这辆车的司机似乎是喝醉了。

He came home after midnight, and what’s more, he was drunk. 他半夜过后才回家,而且喝醉了。

Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night. I must have been drunk. 对不起,我昨晚真是出丑了,我一定是喝醉了。

(2) drunken 的例子:

He defended me from a drunken man. 他保护我免受醉汉伤害。

How do you deal with a drunken husband? 你如何对付喝醉酒的丈夫。

The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans. 喝醉了的球迷行为不轨,把比赛给搅了。

Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients. 护士经常不得不对付粗暴的或喝醉酒的病人。

▲除表示“喝醉的”外,drunken 还可表示喝醉酒后的行为或表现,也是用作定语。如:

a drunken argument, fury, stupor, sleep 酒后的争吵、狂暴、昏迷、沉睡

He pleaded innocent to drunken driving charges. 他辩驳说自己没有酒后驾车。

His drunken behaviour was extremely objectionable. 他醉后的举动极为讨厌。


I have to appear in court on a charge of drunken / drunk driving. 我被控告醉酒驾驶而要出庭受审。

Every year at Christmas drunken / drunk driving takes its toll. 每年的圣诞节都有醉酒驾车的伤亡事故。

Drunken / Drunk drivers pose a serious threat (= cause a lot of harm) to other road users. 酒后驾车者对其他路人构成了严重威胁。

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  • 江小花   提出于 2017-01-04 16:17
