作为习惯用语的as regards这个短语省略了什么

as 是连词,regards 是动词,as regards 却成为 collocation,起介词的作用,让人很难接受,想追寻它的渊源。

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最佳答案 2018-01-17 08:48

as regards是习语,你不必为此过于纠结,就把它当介词用。《现代英汉词典》、《美国传统词典》、《英汉多功能词典》等很多词典都注明as regards是介词,也可以说是成语介词(或短语介词),意义为“至于......;关于......”。如:

As regards John, I will write to him at once. 至于约翰, 我会立即给他去信。《简明英汉词典》

As regards this point, he is correct.关于这一点,他是对的。《英汉多功能词典》

He was always secretive as regards his family.关于他的家庭情况,他总是守口如瓶。《21世纪英汉汉英双向词典》

As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price. 至于这场战争,黑格认为要不惜任何代价取得胜利。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解词典》

I have little information as regards his past. 我对他过去的情况不太了解。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 

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其它 2 个回答

Webster   - 英语教师

同意曾老师的分析。这样的 collocation 是经不起过细的分析的,而且也无法分析。又如:

because of 中的 because 是连词,of 是介词,但 because of 相当于介词;

according to 中的 according 是现在分词,of 是介词,但 according to 相当于介词;

apart from 中的 apart 是形容词,from 是介词,但 apart from 相当于介词;


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陈才   - 英语教师

as regards 属于短语介词:意思为“关于; 至于”

I have little information as regards his past.

As regards the second point in your letter .
关於你信中的第二点 。

As regards your plan, our view is that it cannot be applied in the near future.

As regards that matter I'm quite of your opinion.

As regards our commission, we think you will agree that5% on net sales is quite reasonable.
关于我方的佣金,拟为销售净值的5%, 想贵公司会同意这是合理的。

As regards the second point, we can discuss it at another meeting.

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  • zhenghuosheng 提出于 2016-12-29 11:02
