no more difficult=not more difficult吗


Selling goods abroad is no more difficult (=not more difficult) than selling to the home market. 做外销并不比做内销难。

能说 no more difficult=not more difficult吗? 这样一来那不是 no = not 了?

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最佳答案 2017-03-20 11:06

在本句中,说no more difficult=not more difficult,这是一种简单的处理。严格说来,它们是有区别的:

▲no more difficult than 强调difficult的反面,即 easy,所以下面一句的意思是“做外销”和“做内销”一样不难:

Selling goods abroad is no more difficult than selling to the home market. 做外销并不比做内销难。/ 做外销与做内销一样并不难。

▲而 not more difficult than 只是more difficult的普通否定式,意思是不会更难,并不强调difficult的反面,比如“做内销”的难度为50,则“做外销”的难度不会超过50;“做内销”的难度为60,则“做外销”的难度不会超过60;“做内销”的难度为80,则“做外销”的难度不会超过80:

Selling goods abroad is not more difficult than selling to the home market. 做外销不会比做内销难。

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其它 3 个回答

擅长:英语考试 more…than“和…一样地不…”,意味着两者都否定,但往往着重说明前面的一个分句,其作用相当于“neither…nor”。如:

Mary is no more diligent than Tom. (= Neither Mary nor Tom is diligent.) 玛丽和汤姆俩人都不勤奋。

2.not more… than“不如…;不及于…”,语气常着重于后面的一个分句,常可与“not so/as … as”互换使用。

This story is not more interesting than that one. (= This story is not so/as interesting as that one.) 这个故事不如那个故事有趣。

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

Selling goods abroad is no more difficult (=not more difficult) than selling to the home market. 做外销并不比做内销难。

【答】no more difficult 不等于not more difficult。前者表示“两者都不难”(是对两个比较成分的全部否定),后者表示“前者不比后者难”(也就是说,前者的难度最多跟后者相同,也可能比后者容易。)



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陈才   - 英语教师


Selling goods abroad is no more difficult (=not more difficult) than selling to the home market. 做外销并不比做内销难。

能说 no more difficult=not more difficult吗? 这样一来那不是 no = not 了?


no more difficult 不等于not more difficult

(1) no more than 表示“仅仅”、“只有”(= only),强调少;而 not more than 表示“不多于”、“至多”(= at most)。

He is no more than an ordinary English teacher. 


He has no more than three children. 他只有 3 个孩子。

He has not more than three children. 

他最多 3 个孩子(有或许还不到 3 个之意)。

This test takes no more than thirty minutes. 

The pub was no more than half full. 

For thirty years, he had done no more than he (had) needed to. 


(2)用于比较两件事物时,no more ... than 表示对两者都否定,意为“同……一样不”(=neither ... nor);而 not more ... than 指两者虽都具有某种特征,但程度不同,意为“不如”、“不及”(= not so ... as)。

He is no more a writer than a painter. 他不是画家,也不是作家(= He is neither a painter nor awriter)。

A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 马不是鱼,鲸也不是鱼(=Neither a horse nor a whale is a fish)。

She is not more clever than he is. 她不如他聪明(= She is not so clever as he is)。

He is no more able to read Spanish than I am. 

=Neither he nor I am able to read Spanish.


I know no more Spanish than I know Greek. 

=I know neither Spanish nor Greek.


(1)not more … than = 不如……

 She is not more clever than he is. 

=She is not so clever as he is.


This book is not more difficult than that one. 

=This book is not so difficult as that one.


(2)no more … than = 和……一样不 (否定两者)

 She‘s no more a great singer than I am. 

 A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 

 He is no more an artist than you are a mathematician. 


(3)not less … than = 不如……不 (即指不如 less 后形容词的反面)

He has not less than 10,000 dollars. 他至少有一万元。
Not less than 500 people attended the meeting. 参加会议的至少500人。
He has no less than seven daughters. 他有7个女儿之多。

 He has not less than seven daughters. 他至少有7个女儿。

(4)no less … than = 和……一样 (肯定两者)

 Your brother is no less wise than you. 

 A dolphin is no less a clever animal than a dog is. 

Italian is no less a mother tongue for him than English. 


You are more careful than he is. 你比他仔细。

You are not more careful than he is. 你不如他仔细。

You are no more careful than he is. 你和他一样不仔细。

You are less careful than he is. 你不如他仔细(你比他粗心)。

You are not less careful than he is. 你比他仔细(你不如他粗心)。

You are no less careful than he is. 你和他一样仔细。

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  • 肖晓英   提出于 2016-12-29 09:15
