10 It worries me the way…句式分析


It worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

我对这个句子不是很理解,尤其是这里的 it 是什么东西?难道是形式主语吗?

如果这个 it 是形式主语,那真正的主语呢?是名词 the way 吗?名词作主语也可以用形式主语吗?

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最佳答案 2017-01-12 19:13

关于这个问题,我的理解与前面两位老师的理解稍有不同。我觉得这里的 it 就是形式主语,真正的主语就是名词 the way。但名词作主语也可以用形式主语吗?原则上不可以,比如:

正:The story is true.(名词作主语)

误:It is true the story.(名词作主语时不能用形式主语it)


It worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. 他老是改变主意,这让我很担心。


It irritates me the way she’s always fussing with her hair! 她老是摆弄自己的头发,真让人受不了。

It’s a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you. 媒体歪曲他人言论、曲解他人意图的做法真是可耻。

以上例子均涉及名词 the way,其他受定语从句修饰的名词也可以这样用的。如:

It’s wonderful the enthusiasm that the children show. 孩子们表现出的热情高涨极了。

It’s embarrassing the extremes he’ll go to in order to impress his boss. 他为了给上司留下深刻印象,不惜走极端,真令人难堪。

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其它 2 个回答


it是代词作主语,它所代替的是方式状语the way he keeps changing his mind的内容。又如:

It's disgraceful the way he treats his mother.他那样对待他母亲太不像话了。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》



the way可以看作引导从句的连词。费致德《现代英语惯用法词典》指出:

美国人把the way用为副词对格,等于in the way (manner) in which;有时去掉in the way的in,也有时用为直接宾语。含义如下:

1. the way = as

I fixed things the way he wanted. 我按照他的要求的样子把东西搞好了。

2. the way = according as

We must do the way Chairman Mao teaches us. 我们必须按照毛主席教导的那样做。

3. the way = how

Mrs Collion's eyes filled. She said, "No one except you, not even the children can understand the way I miss David."柯林斯太太眼睛充满了泪水。她说:“除你以外,没有人理解我是多么地想念大卫,甚至那些孩子们也不理解。”

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陈才   - 英语教师


It worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

我对这个句子不是很理解,尤其是这里的 it 是什么东西?难道是形式主语吗?

如果这个 it 是形式主语,那真正的主语呢?是名词 the way 吗?名词作主语也可以用形式主语吗?


it代替+the way(that/in which) he keeps changing his mind 整句话内容

It worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

=It worries me the way in which he keeps changing his mind.

=It worries me the way that he keeps changing his mind.

=It worries me  how he keeps changing his mind.

it代替后面从句the way in which he keeps changing his mind

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  • 黄鸣   提出于 2016-12-28 23:28
