

I'm at a loss which to choose. 

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最佳答案 2018-01-18 13:47



句子是I,be at a loss为系表结构,但这里的 at a loss 为 at a loss for或at a loss as to 之省略,相在意义上相当于一个及物动词,其后的 which to choose 为宾语。例如:

Moved by their speech, I was at a loss what to say. 被他们的发言感动,我不知说什么好。

I was at a loss for what to do next. 我不知道下一步该怎么办。

I’m at a loss as to how to explain the error. 我不知如何解释这个错误。


She was at a loss which road she should take. 她不知道该走哪条路好。

I’m at a loss where I left it last time. 最后我把它放在哪儿,我现在一片茫然。


be at odds (about / over)

The parents and teachers are still at odds about / over what to teach the students. 家长和老师对于教授学生什么内容意见不同。

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陈才   - 英语教师


I'm at a loss which to choose.(为下面宾语从句简化版)

=I'm at a loss which I should choose(以结构完整宾语从句形式)

(1) at a loss 茫然, 不知所措; 亏本; 困惑; 神思恍惚;

be +(介词短语at a loss)=be +(分词形容词confused

I'm at a loss which to choose.

=I'm confused which to choose.

=I'm confused which I should choose.

句子结构为:主语+系动词+介词短语(表语)+(疑问词+不定式to do 结构构成的一个短语) (备注:这种英语句子的语言现象在英语语法界没有一个统一定性分析和语法命名。只能从类似其它传统英语句子结构进行相似似性的语法结构分析。)


Mary is at a loss what to do next.  


I'm at a loss how to do with it.

He is always at a loss what to say in front of strangers.

They are at a loss when to hold the meeting .

She is not at a loss what to say at a meeting.

We are at a loss where to find the financial aid.

She is at loss which book to read first.

主语+系动词+介词短语(表语)+(疑问词+to do) 结构中,疑问词to do可以从以下几语法理论分析(备注:这种英语句子的语言现象在英语语法界没有一个统一的定性分析和语法命名。只能从类似其它传统英语句子结构进行相似似性的分析。

(1) 分析表语宾语成分/介词宾语成分




There are so many designs that I'm at a loss whichto choose.


There are five pairs to choose from, but I'm at a loss which to choose.


We are at loss in regard to this awkward situation.


I am in two minds about which to choose.


He was at a loss how to cut the knot.




(1)疑问词+to do 结构 相当于疑问词的宾语从句简化形式

I am at a loss which to choose(简化版)

=I am at a loss which I should choose.(完整宾语从句)

(2)疑问词+to do 结构可以放在动词后/介词后/形容词后作宾语


I can't decide which to choose.(动词宾语)

 We must know what to say at a meeting
 He could not tell
whom to trust. 
Do you know
how to play bridge?


Can you give an idea on which to choose.


I am confused which to choose.

He' s doubtful (about) which to choose.

Jim is not sure whose to choose
 Mary and John are not certain
whether to get married or not.

(3)疑问词+to do 结构 放在谓语动词前/系动词前作主语

When to hold the meeting has not yet been decided. 
Where to live is a problem. 
How to cope with the rising cost of living becomes a daily discussion topic.

(4)疑问词+to do 结构放在系动词后作表语

The problem is where to find the financial aid
The question is
who to elect.

The question is which to choose.

(5) 疑问词+to do 结构放在抽象名词后作同位语

Tom had no idea which book to read first. 

Do you have a rough impression how to do it?

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  • 刘永科   提出于 2016-12-18 09:18
