
A computer, an old desk and chair—this is all he had when he married me.

这里的 this 用得对吗?是否应该改为 these are?

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最佳答案 2017-06-04 23:02

可以不改,这里的 this 的意思不是“这个”,而是“这一切”(是把所考虑的情况作为一个整体来看待了),this的这一用法尤其与all连用:

All this is mere hypothesis. 这一切纯属猜想。

For all this I have only you to thank. 这一切我都得感谢你才是。

What were the children doing while all this was going on?  这一切发生时孩子们都在干什么?

Has anyone bothered to find out how much all this is going to cost? 有谁去了解清楚这一切要花多少钱了吗?

All this is to be done without big increases in the basic level of taxation. 所有这一切将在没有大幅度提高最低所得税标准的情况下进行。

All this may sound a bit far-fetched, but companies are already developing ‘intelligent’ homes.  这一切听起来也许有点难以置信,但一些公司确实已经在开发“智能住宅”了。

A photo, a book of poems and a gold ring—this was the sum total of his possessions. 一张照片、一本诗集和一枚金戒指 —— 这就是他的全部家当。

当然,如果改为 these are 也可以,这样便是从各个个体来考虑了。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

A computer, an old desk and chair—this is all he had when he married me.

这里的 this 用得对吗?是否应该改为 these are?


这里的指示代词this属于指代先前提及的人,事物或事情用法,this指代前面描述的事情。(these 不具备指代前面提到人或者事物,指替代离说话人较近的人或者事物,且为复数。)



She married Jim, and this (that) surprised me. 


John had a bad cold. That (This) was why he didn’t turn up. 


The kids would answer back and that (this) drove her crazy. 


We laughed and that (this)helped ease the tension. 


They offered me free accommodation for a year, and that (this)decided me. 


It was always said of the Princess that she had the common touch and that (this) was why she was so well loved by the people. 人


(注注:回指上文的 that 在译成汉语时,通常也译为“这”。)

That’s where you are wrong. 这就是你不对的地方。

(2)如果是后指(即指后文叙述的事情),则通常只用 this。

I want to know this: is he healthy? 


Answer me this: how did they know we were here? 


The challenge for American leadership is this: Can we put our economic house in order? 


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  • 胡宝娜   提出于 2016-12-09 15:31
