
I’m curious  about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it.



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最佳答案 2016-11-30 10:00

I’m curious about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it.



1. 从语义理解的角度,把整个“be+形容词+介词”短语视为一个及物动词,后面的成分为宾语。例如:

I am fond of music. 从语义角度理解,把be fond of视为一个及物动词,相当于like,music为宾语。相当于:I like music.

2. “be+形容词”为系表结构,后面附加的“介词+宾语”,视为介词短语,说明该形容词与后面名词的各种关系。

I am grateful to you. (to you 表示“感激”的对象。)

I am grateful for his help.(for his help 表示“感激”的原因。)


be + adj. + about类:

    be anxious about忧虑……        be careful about小心……

    be concerned about挂念……       be cross about/at 因……而生气

    be curious about对……好奇       be excited about对……感到兴奋

    be happy about对……高兴  be particular about 对……讲究/挑剔

    be serious about 对……认真       be sorry about对……感到抱歉

    be sure about对……有把握 be upset about 对……感觉不安

    be worried about担心……

be + adj. + at类:

    be angry at恼怒于  be astonished at 对……吃惊    

    be bad at不擅长   be expert at 对……擅长

    be delighted at 对……高兴   be disappointed at 对……失望

    be frightened at受到……惊吓     be good at擅长

    be present at出席  be quick at  对……机敏

    be shocked at对……震惊    be skillful at 在……方面很熟练

    be surprised at对……吃惊   be terrified at被……吓一跳

be + adj. + in类:

    be absorbed in 专注于  be abundant in富有

    be active in积极于 be buried in沉思;陷入……

    be concerned in 牵涉    be confident in对……有信心

    be diligent in 勤于  be dressed in穿着……

    be engaged in 忙碌       be excellent in 在……优秀

    be experienced in 在……有经验  be interested in对……感兴趣

    be involved in包括在……中;被卷入 be lacking in 缺乏

    be rich in富有……       be skilled in 精于

    be slow in 迟缓     be strict in对……严格

    be strong in 擅长   be successful in在……成功

    be weak in 不擅长

be + adj. + for类:

    be anxious for急切盼望,渴望    be eager for渴望

    be famous for以……著名    be fit for适合,胜任

    be hungry for 渴望       be late for迟到

    be prepared for为……做好准备  be ready for准备好……

    be sorry for对……感到抱歉       be thankful for因……而感激

    be unfit for 不适合,不胜任

be + adj. + from类:

    be absent from缺席      be different from不同于

    be far from远离    be free from免于

    be safe from免受……的伤害      be tired from因……而厌倦

be + adj. + to类:

    be blind to 缺乏眼光     be close to接近

    be contrary to 违反;反对   be deaf to 不愿意听

    be devoted to 忠诚于……    be equal to 与……平等

    be fair to 对……公平   be familiar to 对……来说熟悉

    be friendly to对……友好     be good to 对……有好处

    be grateful to 对……心存感激    be harmful to 对……有危害

    be important to 对……重要 be kind to 友好对待

    be known to为……所熟知   be married to 与……结婚

    be necessary to 对……有必要    be obvious to显然

    be opposed to 反对       be opposite to 在……对面

    be pleasant to 合某人之意    be polite to ……是有礼貌的

    be polite to对……有礼貌     be relative to  与……有关

    be rude to对……无礼   be second to次于

    be similar to 与……相似      be suitable to适合

    be thankful to 感激       be true to 忠实

    be useful to 对……有用      be/get used to习惯于……

be + adj. + of 类:

    be afraid of害怕    be ashamed of为……感到害臊

    be aware of意识到       be capable of能够

    be careful of对……小心      be composed of由……组成

    be fond of喜欢      be full of 充满

    be proud of因……而自豪    be short of缺乏……

    be sure/certain of坚信,确信      be tired of厌烦;对……厌倦

    be worthy of 值得 be/get rid of除去;摆脱

be + adj. + with类:

    be acquainted with与……相识    be angry with(sb.)对(某人)发怒

    be busy with忙于  be combined with 与……结合

    be content with对……满意  be covered with被……覆盖

    be crowded with 充满  be familiar with 对……熟悉

    be filled with充满  be patient with 对……有耐心

    be pleased with对……感到满意  be popular with受……的欢迎

    be satisfied with对……满意 be sick with 患……病

    be strict with(sb.)对(某人)要求严格

    be tired with 因……而感到疲劳

关于介词宾语,一般而言,凡是介词,均可接名词或名词的替代成分,即动名词或名词性从句。除了that引导的名词性从句以外,所有wh-word引导的名词性从句都可以做介词的宾语。如你的例句:about how...

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陈才   - 英语教师

I’m curious  about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it.






(1)be curious about 对…好奇

It is good to be curious about the world around you.  


You msut be curious about how to decorate the Christmas tree.  


Children are curious about everything around them.


curious about 可以看作为形容词短语放在系动词be后作表语。

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  • 效时 提出于 2016-11-28 23:45
