5 分词形容词的比较等级只能加more和most吗

如果一个形容词是由现在分词和过去分词转化来的,那它的比较级和最高级就只能加more, most构成,是这样吗?如:interesting—more interesting—most interesting。

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最佳答案 2016-11-17 23:08

▲没错,如果一个形容词是由现在分词和过去分词转化来的,那它的比较级和最高级原则上应加more, most构成。这样的例子太多。如:

1. more…ing

Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving. 乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。

He’s never more annoying than when he’s trying to help. 他要是想帮忙就更让人讨厌他。

The second half of the book is more exciting than the first. 这本书的后半部比前半部更精彩。

The large salary made their offer even more appealing to him. 高薪使他们的提议对他更具吸引力。

How can we make the subject more interesting to young people? 我们怎样才能使这一课题对年轻人更加有吸引力呢?

Some topics appeared interesting enough to require more detailed information. 有些话题似乎还算有趣,可以打听一下更为详尽的内容。

The rules of the game were changed to provide a more exciting finish for the television audience. 为了使电视观众看到更精彩的决赛,比赛规则作了修改。

2. more…ed

The more experienced team came out on top. 经验更丰富的球队排名最高。

The music helped to put them in a more relaxed mood. 音乐使他们情绪更加放松。

She grew more worried with every passing hour. 时间一点一滴地过去,她越来越担心。

I did indeed look older and more wrinkled than ever. 我看起来确实比以前老了,皱纹也多了。

The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized. 形势比他们起初了解到的要复杂得多。

Car buyers are more interested in safety and reliability than speed. 比起速度,汽车买主更关注安全性和可靠性。

The lab has recently been updated to allow for more advanced courses. 实验室最近经过更新,可以上更高阶的课程了。

▲但也有极个别的例外,其中最典型的就是 tired。如:

When he was tiredest he was least able to sleep.(《韦氏新国际英语词典》)

当然,它完全也可能加more, most构成比较等级。如:

He felt more tired than he had ever felt. 他感到过去从未有过的累。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

如果一个形容词是由现在分词和过去分词转化来的,那它的比较级和最高级就只能加more, most构成,是这样吗?如:interesting—more interesting—most interesting。



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  • 谢莉娜 提出于 2016-11-16 23:20
