taking with it 怎么理解?

The weight of the ice and snow collapsed the roof of our work room, taking with it  one of our sources of our income.这句话是什么意思?怎么理解后半句的意思?做什么成分?taking with it 是什么意思?谢谢

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最佳答案 2016-12-07 22:40

The weight of the ice and snow collapsed the roof of our work room, taking with it one of our sources of our income.



1. taking with it one of our sources of our income:现在分词短语作结果状语。

2. taking 的宾语是one of our sources of our income;因宾语太长,介词短语with it(与一起)前置,把动宾分隔。

3. taking sth. with sb.:把某物随某人一起带走。例如:When he left, he took with him almost everything in his office.  他离开时随身带走了办公室几乎所有的东西。

4. 动宾分隔的例句:

She carries over the shoulder of her leather coat a heavy black purse.

When we pass a big building or see an airplane or a car, we might keep in mind that we are looking at the fruits of man’s labour in this tradition.

It is better for you to take with you whatever you need most anytime.

The critic is he who can translate into another manner or a new material his impression of beautiful things.

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

The weight of the ice and snow collapsed the roof of our work room, taking with it  one of our sources of our income.这句话是什么意思?怎么理解后半句的意思?做什么成分?taking with it 是什么意思?谢谢


主语:the weight of the ice and snow 


宾语:the roof of our work room

结果状语:taking with it one of our sources of our income.



(1)the weight of the ice and snow(冰雪重量)

(2)collapsed the roof of our work room(压垮了我们工作室的屋顶)

(3)take (one of our sources of our income ) with it(随着我们工作室屋顶垮塌而夺走了我们其中的一个收入来源)

(4)take sth(A) with sth(B) 随着B带走了A/夺走了A

(特别备注:动词take宾语A的内容很比较长时,可以把A放到B的后面表达即take with sth(B)+sth(A))

(5)collapse  vt. 使倒塌;使坍塌;使瓦解


take (sth) with it 随它走了

take sth with sth 随某事带走某事

What must we take with us tomorrow?


现在分词做结果状语,前 面的事件导致了后面的结果.

He just wanna take with her not mean to annoy her.


How much free luggage can I take with me?


How much hand baggage can I take with me?


I made a list of things to take with me.


What do you need to take with you on holiday?


Whenever you enter into it take with you your all.


Anything you want to take with you?


Give with one hand and take with the other.


What do you need to take with you on holidays?


Do you have any literature I can take with me?


How many tools will you take with you?


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  • 高山 提出于 2016-10-31 09:02
