
非延续性动词也有用在完成时的情况,但是能说have died 么?我记得好像不行吧?


When I got on the bus, I_____ I had left my wallet at home.

A. was realizing

B. realized   

C. have realized   

D. would realize


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最佳答案 2016-11-19 08:45

1. 能否说 have died 的问题

回答是肯定的。如意义需要,完全可以说 have died。如:

All my plants have died. 我的花草全都死了。(牛津高阶)

Thousands of people have died of Aids. 数以千计的人死于艾滋病。(牛津中阶)

More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting. 九百多人在这场战斗中死去。(柯林斯高级)

Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical. 已经有动物因为接触了这种化学物而死亡。(朗文高级)

2. 能否说 have realized 的问题

回答也是肯定的。如意义需要,完全可以说 have realized。如:

You’ve realized it a little late in the day. 你已经认识到了,不过为时已晚。(牛津)

Some politicians have realized that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them. 一些政客已经意识到有比开枪镇压或监禁更狡猾的征服人民的办法。(柯林斯)

3. 关于你的这道题:

When I got on the bus, I_____ I had left my wallet at home.

A. was realizing

B. realized   

C. have realized   

D. would realize

答案应选 B。realized 与前面的 got on 是两个并列的动作,且紧挨着发生。这样的用法在英语中很常见。又如:

When I got there I realized I’d left the tickets behind. 我到了那里以后发现忘记带票了。

When I looked round, I realized everyone else had moved on. 我环顾四周, 发现其它人都已经走掉了。

When I started lying to him, I realized that I was digging myself into a hole which would be very difficult to get out of. 我一开始向他说谎,就意识到自己是在给自己挖难以挣脱的陷阱。

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其它 2 个回答

王汝涛   - 英语教师


1. has died 单独使用是可以的,因为die 这个瞬间动作结束了,现在完成时强调的是结果和影响。但不能说 He has died for two weeks. 也就是说die是一次性的瞬间动作,不可能连续两周。has died 后面不能加一段时间。如果加时间,要用He has been dead for some time. 但在否定句中,有些瞬间动词可以跟一段时间,表示一种状态。例:Ihaven't heard from you for a long time.

2. 答案之所以选B,因为realize这个动作发生在过去,即when I got on the bus. 如果用现在完成时,就不符合逻辑了。如果非要使用现在完成时,需要调整语序和意思,例如:Now I have realized that when I got there I’d left the tickets behind.

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陈才   - 英语教师

非延续性动词也有用在完成时的情况,但是能说have died 么?我记得好像不行吧?


When I got on the bus, I_____ I had left my wallet at home.

A. was realizing

B. realized   

C. have realized   

D. would realize


赞同 王老师和longman老师的观点,我在发表几点个人愚见,不一定正确,向大家学习。



The flower has died because of lack of water for a long time

The dog has died because of its serious sickness.

(2)因为时间状语从句,已经是一般过去时态,且是用来作主句的时间状语,表示主句动作是在过去发生的,因此需要用一般过去时态表达,换句话说,(when I got on the bus)看作一个整体,用来表示一个”过去的时间状语“ 因此,带有过去的时间状语,句子谓语动词一般用”一般过去时态“不用其他时态。(而且,现在完成时态不可以与表示过去的时间状语连用,这点非常重要。

When I got on the bus, I realized I had left my wallet at home.

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