

Money meant more and more to her. 钱对她变得越来越重要。

He speaks more and more openly about his problem. 他越来越公开地谈他的问题。


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最佳答案 2014-08-08 23:38


He did less and less work. 他做的工作越来越少。

The wheels turned faster and faster. 车轮越转越快。

The train went slower and slower until itstopped. 火车开得越来越慢,直到最后停下来。

More and more people are choosing to livealone. 越来越多的人选择单身生活。

There are more and more homeless peoplebegging on the streets these days. 近来越来越多无家可归的人在街上乞讨。

▲“比较级+and+比较级”结构通常跟get, grow, become等表示变化的动词搭配(后面接形容词或副词时,可以是比较级,也可以是原级)。如:

She’s growing fat. 她越来越胖了。

It was becoming very dark. 天越来越黑了。

The noise became less and less. 声音越来越小。

Things are getting worse and worse. 情况越来越糟。

He became less and less interested. 他越来越不感兴趣。

Divorce is becoming [getting] more common. 离婚现象越来越普遍了。

It’s becoming more and more difficult tofind a job. 找工作越来越困难了。

More and more people began to move to thecity. 越来越多的人向城市搬迁。

The little girl is growing to be more andmore like her mother. 这个小姑娘长得越来越像她妈妈了。

Nowadays microcomputers are becoming moreand more popular. 今天,微型计算机变得越来越普及了。


There is growing public alarm at thisincrease in crime. 公众对罪案的增加越来越感到担忧。

There is growing anticipation that theprime minister will have to resign. 越来越多的人预料首相将不得不辞职。

There is a growing feeling of alienationamong young unemployed people.  失业的年轻人越来越有一种被疏远的感觉。

There was growing criticism of theGovernment’s conduct of the war. 政府领导作战的方式受到越来越多的批评。


Increasing numbers of people are sensitiveto cow’s milk. 对牛奶过敏的人越来越多了。

An increasing number of plays are now beingsigned. 现在越来越多的戏剧配上了手势语。

An increasing number of young people aresleeping rough in London.伦敦越来越多的年轻人露天睡觉。

The government is trying to stop theincreasing flow of refugees entering the country. 政府正在设法阻止越来越多的难民流入本国。


He is finding life increasingly difficult. 他感到生活越来越艰难了。

Teachers are increasingly conscious of theimportance of the Internet.老师们越来越意识到因特网的重要性。

Women are increasingly entering into allphases of industrial and commercial activities. 越来越多妇女正进入工业和商业活动的各个方面。


I felt a mounting dismay at the prospect. 我对前景感到越来越灰心。

Faced with a mounting burden of debt, hesold off the company. 他面临越来越重的债务负担,只得卖掉了公司。

There is mounting evidence that peoplewhose diets are rich in vitamins are less likely to develop some types ofcancer. 越来越多的证据表明,饮食中富含维生素的人不那么容易患某些癌症。

▲用介词短语on the decline, on the increase表示

The number of robberies in the area is onthe decline. 这地区的劫案在减少。

Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is onthe decline. 谢天谢地,抽烟的现象越来越少了。

Burglaries in the area are on the increase.这个地区的入室盗窃案件越来越多。

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  • 丁江朋   提出于 2014-08-08 21:24
