10 everyone of us对得对吗(2014年高考英语江苏卷)


It works in nearly everyone of us, and (72) ___▲___ us in one way or another, good or bad.

不是说 everyone 后面不能接 of 短语吗?这里为什么又接了呢?

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最佳答案 2016-09-27 23:14




Everyone ( or everybody ) can only be used of people and Is never followed by “ of” ; Every one means each person or thing, and is often followed by “of”. 

everyone 只能用于指人,并且后面不跟 of; every one 指每一个人或物,后面常跟 of。



Do not confuse everyone with every one. Everyone always refers to people. In the phrase every one, 'one' is a pronoun that can refer to any person or thing, depending on the context. It is often followed by the word of. We've saved seeds from every one of our plants... Every one of them phoned me. In these examples, every one is a more emphatic way of saying all.

不要混淆everyone和every one。everyone总是指人。在短语every one中,代词one根据语境可以指任何人或事物,后面常接of:We've saved seeds from every one of our plants(我们保存了每一样植物的种子),Every one of them phoned me(他们每个人都给我打了电话)。

在这些例句中,every one是all的一种强调说法。


最后咱们看看一个颇有名气的英文网站about.com 上的一位英语专家针对此二词所设计的一个小测试,具体网址与答案我会在本次作答的评论中给出

Choose whether everyone or every one is correct. Each question has only one correct answer. When you are finished click on the "Next Question" button. There are 10 questions to this quiz. Try to use only 30 seconds per question. At the end of the quiz, your score.

1. _____ wants to have some fun some of the time!

2.  I'll hand out the sheet to _____.

3.  I'm sure that ______ of the students understands the problem.

4.  She's asking _______ for their opinion.

5. ______ in that group of people has a different responsibility.

6.  I saw _______ at the party.

7. I wish _______ of those employees could take the course.

8. Does _______ understand?

9.  Jack handed out a sheet to _____ of those who had expressed interest.

10. Here's free candy for _____!

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其它 2 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

everyone of us 的用法是错误的。F.T.Wood 指出:“Even for people two words must be used when the sence is "every single one".”LDCE 则进一步指出:“Everyone (or everybody) can only be used of people and is never followed by "of".”由此看出,从语意上说,当指“每一单个的人”时,必须使用 every one;从惯用法说,everyone 之后绝不可以跟“of”,而必须使用 every one of的结构。(摘自赵振才编著的《英语常见问题解答大词典》增订版第四版)

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陈才   - 英语教师


It works in nearly everyone of us, and (72) ___▲___ us in one way or another, good or bad.

不是说 everyone 后面不能接 of 短语吗?这里为什么又接了呢?


Everyone of us 和Every one of us 都可以,但是后者比前者更常见,建议使用后者表达.而且侧重点也不同

everyone of us=all of us(强调整体=我们所有人)

every one of us=each one of us(强调个体=我们每个人)

(1)Everyone of us is active in technical innovation.


(2)Every one of us is active in technical innovation.



Everyone can do it.


Everyone is here except Tom.


(2)everyone只能指人,不能指物;every one既可指人,也可指物.

Every one/Everyone in our class likes playing football.


There is something wrong with every one of the bikes.


特别备注:由于everyone of us 极少看到或者出现英语文章中,但是every  one of us 经常看到或者出现英语文章中。因此建议使用every one +of +复数宾格代词或者the+名词复数)

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  • 徐海梅   提出于 2016-09-26 14:49
