
This book is too easy to read. 这句话是不是说,这本书太容易了,我不想读。

I am too easy to read. 这是什么意思?有这种说法吗?

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最佳答案 2016-09-18 22:05

    问题1:This book is too easy to read. 这里的 too easy to read= very easy to read. 这和我们一般所说的too… to… (表示否定)的句型有所不同,当too和easy 相遇时就没有了否定的意思。我们一般看作only too的变形,only too = very. 例:I am only too pleased to help you. Only有时可以省略。问题句子应该翻译为:这本书很容易读。英语是讲求逻辑的语言,如果把后面理解为否定,逻辑就不对了。又例:This sentence is too easy to understand. 意思是:这个句子很容易理解。如果后半句理解为否定的话,就不符合逻辑了。这种惯用在英语里常见,如:There is too much gun crime in the USA and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get. (出自美国报刊)
    有的老师认为问题句中应加上for me. 这与句子的意思关系不大。如He is too heavy (for me) to lift. 他太重了,我抬不动。《朗文英语语法》(16.32.1) 句中的for me 可有可无。

    问题2. I am too easy to read. 这个句子在口语中会出现。意思是“我这个人很容易让人看透”也就是说喜怒形于色,没什么城府的意思。read在这里表示看出某人的意图或心情的意思。英语中更常说的类似句子有 Women are difficult to read. He is a hard person to read等。

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其它 2 个回答

蒋红秀   - 英语教师

▲This book is too easy to read. 这句话是不是说,这本书太容易了,我不想读。

——大致就这个意思。若要表示“我”不想读,最好有个 for me。如:

This book is too easy for me to read.

▲I am too easy to read. 这是什么意思?有这种说法吗?

——没有这样的说法。根据英语习惯,要表示某人很容易做某事,不能说 sb is easy to do sth,而应说 it is easy for sb to do sth。如:

It is too easy for me to read the book.


Reading the book is too easy for me.

To read the book is too easy for me.

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陈才   - 英语教师

This book is too easy to read. 这句话是不是说,这本书太容易了,我不想读。

I am too easy to read. 这是什么意思?有这种说法吗?


This book is too easy to read 是This book is too easy for me to read 的变体

I am too easy to read 应该改为下面句子

It is to easy for me to read .

It is adj.for sb to do sth.某人做某事...?(括号中的形容词用来是用来描述事件的特点特征)

It is so kind of you to help me with my English.

=You are so kind to help me with my English.

It is so foolish of you to lend money to him again.

It is adj. of sb to do sth=sb is adj.to do sth(括号中形容词用来描述人的内在性格特点)

It is impossible for me to finish the work in two hours.

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  • chenwu 提出于 2016-09-16 12:45
