为何这里 need 后面要加 to be 呢

A: My boss told me I couldn't take any time off to go on holiday this year.

B: That's crazy! Did he say why?

A:He said that the company is doing well so they need to be fully-staffed at all times.

老师:您好!我不明白为何这里 need 后面要加“to be”呢?谢谢。

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最佳答案 2016-10-06 16:23


need“需要”在这里是及物动词,而fully-staffed为形容词,不能用作宾语,故加to be构成不定式短语to be fully-staffed作need的宾语。不定式常用作need的宾语。又如:

We need to be especially careful under such circumstances.在这样的情况下,我们需要特别小心。(张道真《现代英语常用动词用法词典》)

You need to be a bit of a politician to succeed. 你要获得成功,就需要有一点政客的手腕。《简明英汉词典》

We need to take care of our bodies. 我们需要注意身体。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》

She needs to have access to our files. 她需要用我们的文件。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》


The maching needs to be repaired.这台机器需要修理。

= The maching needs repairing.

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