3 条件状语从句为什么用将来时态

If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring.


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最佳答案 2016-09-11 18:50

If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring.


语法规定:在时间、条件、让步等状语从句中,即便谓语动词表示的动作将来发生,也不能使用将来时,应使用一般时代替将来时。这说明在if从句的won't 不表示将来。

在 If that mockingbird won’t sing 这个条件从句中,won’t sing 的意思是“不愿唱歌,不想唱歌”,也可能含有“不会唱歌”之意。这里,will是情态动词,表示人(或动物)的意愿、愿望,不表示将来。也就是说:will既是“表将来”的助动词,也是“表意愿”的情态动词。又如:

If you'll excuse me for a while, I'll find out for you.  请稍候片刻,我给您查一下。

If you will keep waiting for a while, I'll help with your enquiry. 请你再等一会儿,我要帮您解答一下。

Please come over for the weekend if you will. 如果你愿意请来度周末。

If you will see a doctor, I'll send for Dr Weir. 如果你愿意看医生,我就派人去请韦尔医生。

It won't be long before his boy will help the girls with their bags. 不久,他儿子就会愿意帮那些女孩子拿行李袋了。

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其它 3 个回答

王汝涛   - 英语教师

请看L G Alexander编的"Longman English Grammar" 第14章对你的问题提出最为详细和权威的解释。

'Will' and 'would' after if
14.24 'If + 'will' and 'would'
14.24.1 'Will' and 'would' to emphasize willingness and unwillingness
- when asking others to do things/responding to offers of help:
 If you will/would/could wait a moment I'll fetch the money
- with reference to someone else:
If he will/would/could only try harder, I'm sure he'd do well
- in polite formulas, particularly in formal contexts:
I'd be grateful if you will/would let me know soon
If you will/you would follow me, I'll show you the way
Give me a moment if you would (or, sometimes, will)
- in direct references to willingness/unwillingness:
If you will/would agree to pay us compensation we will/would agree not to take the matter any further (i-e. if you're willing)
If you won't stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough i.e. if you are unwilling to stop smoking - Not "wouldn't*)
14.24.2 'If + will' in Type 1 conditionals
We do not normally use a pure future will after if. However, though rare, it is just possible when we wish to emphasize the idea of 'not now, but later'. Compare:
If it suits you, I'll change the date of our meeting (Type 1) If it will suit you, (i.e. not now, but later) I'll change the date of our meeting.


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陈才   - 英语教师

If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring.




此句if条件句中will+动词原形不是表示将来而是情态动词用法,表示一种意愿,愿望. 请看下面


例如:can/could/ must/ought to /used to /had better /may/might



I will do anything for you.(情态动词用法)


I will go to Beijing tomorrow.(助动词用法)








很抱歉,那是书籍都是很久以前,其出版日期都是在1960几年到1970之间,没有抄袭现象,很专业权威严谨。我没有把那些书籍随身带在身,全部在储存在我大脑中了. 其实没有必要纠结这个问题,可以从2个方面去理解。可以直接把情态助动词当作情态动词理解,也可以当作即使情态动词又是助动词理解.OK? 请不要再纠结这个问题了,英语最重要能实用就可以了.


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I’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow. 要是明天下雨,我就呆在家里。

【注】有时也可见到 if you will 这样的说法,但那不是将来时态,而是表示意愿或委婉的请求(此处的 will是情态动词):

If you will wait for a moment, I’ll go and tell the manager that you are here. 请等一下,我去告诉经理说你来了。


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  • 柏晓艳   提出于 2016-09-04 14:03
