

1. 噪音是一类引起人烦躁、或音量过强而危害人体健康的声音;

2. 噪音污染主要来源于交通运输、工业噪音、建筑施工、高音喇叭、和人大声说话等;

3. 噪音给人带来生理上和心理上的双重危害:损害听力,有害于人的心血管系统;影响人的神经系统,使人急躁、易怒,影响睡眠,造成疲倦。


心血管系统 cardiovascular system 

神经系统 nervous system 

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最佳答案 2016-12-15 14:04

Stay Away From Noise Pollution

No one in the world can escape noise, an unwanted, annoying sound that causes harm to people’s body. Noise pollution mainly comes from vehicles, factories, construction sites, loudspeakers and people’s loud voice.

In general, noise pollution does harm to people’s physical and mental health. Most people must have had one experience of being temporarily “deafened” by a loud noise. Though our normal hearing will come back within a few hours at most, it is no good to our ears at all. Besides, noise can affect the normal working of cardiovascular system. It has bad effect on our nervous system, which makes us impatient and irritable. The most obvious harm of noise is that we can’t sleep in the night, thus feeling tired in daytime.

To sum up, the owner of those noise pollution sources should be severely punished.  

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师



Recently,  A KTV with a poor soundproof effect was newly opened in the vicinity of your living area and loud singing voice comes out in the daytime and at night ,which seriously affect the life and study of the residents who live nearby and caused the grievances and complaints of many people . Finally, KTV was forced to shut down under pressure coming from every aspect.


Please write an article about the harm that noise does to human body and the producers of noise should be severely punished according to the information given below.

1. 噪音是一类引起人烦躁、或音量过强而危害人体健康的声音;

Noise is a kind of sound which makes people irritable and damages the health of human body if the volume is excessively turned up.

2. 噪音污染主要来源于交通运输、工业噪音、建筑施工、高音喇叭、和人大声说话等;

The source of noise pollution mainly comes from various vehicles,factories,construction sites,loudspeaker and people’s rude and loud voice.

3. 噪音给人带来生理上和心理上的双重危害:损害听力,有害于人的心血管系统;影响人的神经系统,使人急躁、易怒,影响睡眠,造成疲倦。

Noise brings dual/twofold harm to people’s mental /spiritual health as well physical/physiological health; namely It damages people’s hearing and does harm to people’s cardiovascular system and seriously affects people’s nervous system and makes people irritable and easy to get annoyed and affects people’s sleeping quality and causes people to feel tired/fatigued.

参考词汇:reference vocabulary

心血管系统 cardiovascular system 

神经系统 nervous system 

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  • 黄丽莲   提出于 2016-09-03 22:05
